"Don't worry.No one has been bothering me"

"For your sake I hope it stays that way"

"Don't worry about it.I'm an adult.I can handle whatever happens"

"You know maybe being a celebrity was a bad idea after all.I should have gone to college and have a normal life.I didn't know that I did something so horrible and unforgivable by falling in love.We wouldn't have hidden our love for eight years.We..."

"Don't think about it anymore.You followed your passion and that isn't a crime"

"I didn't know things would come to this.I guess there is a price to pay for being being rich and famous"

"Forget all that"Taehyung placed the towel down and walked over to the omega's dresser.He grabbed his lotion and walked back.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to apply lotion onto your skin.It's nothing I haven't done before"

"You just want an excuse to see me naked"

"Just open up"

Jungkook undid his bath robe and also removed his arms from the sleeves.Taehyung knelt down and started from the omega's legs.

"Guess whom Jimin was chatting with at the housewarming party?"Taehyung started

"Yoongi hyung"

"My soon to be brother in law"

"No ways do you think that...That moron isn't interested in anyone romantically"Jungkook exclaimed

"Who knows.Maybe they just could be friends"

"Don't allow him to play with your best friend's feelings"Jungkook told the alpha.

"And how do I do that"

"I don't know.The bottom line I have told you what my brother thinks about relationship.The rest is up to you"

"Let's just see where this goes "

"I still haven't got the prenatals the doctor prescribed to me.I just remembered it now"

"Why not?"

"I haven't got the chance"

"Just text me the picture of the prescription.I will go get them for you"


"You should have told me earlier.How could you be so irresponsible.This is important"

"I didn't tell you  so you could yell at me.Sometimes I wonder how I managed to date you for eight years when you are a decade older than me.You act like a parent sometimes"

"And you act just what you are.A spoilt brat"

"You better take that back"

"Else what?"

"I'm kicking you out"

"I was going to leave anyways.I don't want to get tempted"

"Tempted?You better get rid of those dirty thoughts.I would advise you run for half an hour every morning because Taehyung there is no way I'm allowing you to touch me again.Ever"

"Are you punishing me for getting you pregnant.Is that why you don't want me to ever touch you"

"Precisely.Did you think I will just let it go like that.If I forgive you like that you will do it again in the future"

"Now who is scolding who like a parent"Taehyung laughed lightly

"You scold more than me though"

"Okay baby.I heard what you had to say"

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