"Hyung thank you.Please drive carefully"

"Are you sure this is the right place?"Hanjoon asked after they had arrived at the location.

"Hyung do you think the GPS would lie?"

"I will leave after seeing you get inside.You might just get kidnapped as soon as I leave"


Jungkook stepped out of the vehicle and walked towards the gate.There were cameras around it and there was an electric sensor.Before he could think of pressing the intercom the sliding  gate opened on it's own.

Creepy,he thought.Hanjoon waved at him and drove off.

Jungkook stepped inside the gate and as soon as he did the gate closed on its own.Jungkook looked up ahead and found himself standing in one of the longest driveway he had ever seen.There were a lot of flowers and tower lights on each side of the concrete driveway.Once Jungkook had walked ten minutes further the driveway he found himself standing in front of a beautiful house made of wood and aluminum.You could say it was his dream house.

Between him and the house stood a beautiful and functioning fountain.The drive way went around the fountain and stopped in front of garage.

A minute later Jungkook took a deep breath while he stood at the porch of the house.He felt nervous now that he was so close to meet the love of his life.While he was busy pulling himself together the giant wooden door opened from inside.

Jungkook froze at the sight.Taehyung's face had become so thin and his hair grew longer and it seemed like he hadn't shaved his facial hair in a while.


"Are you coming in or are you going to stand there all night.I thought you had important things to talk about"the alpha spat

Jungkook snapped out of it and walked inside the house.They walked right into the foyer.Taehyung started walking ahead

"Don't wonder off.Remember what you came for"

Jungkook picked up his pace and followed closely.He didn't want to get scolded just because he was looking around.

They got to the living room and Jungkook couldn't stop his eyes from wondering around.The room was warm and cozy just like the alpha's apartment.There was minimal furniture,just the way Taehyung liked his apartment.

"Is this your house?"Jungkook heard himself ask

"You didn't come to ask me that did you?"Taehyung came face to face with the omega

Jungkook crossed the line and cupped his ex's face"What happened to you.Why are you so pale and thin.Weren't you eating?"

Taehyung slapped the omega's hand away"If you have nothing important to talk about then get out.I can't bear your sight"

"I'm sorry Taehyung...I just couldn't ignore"

"Why would you care huh?Didn't you do this to me?"Taehyung's tone was bitter

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to"

Taehyung gritted his teeth and gripped the omega's waist with both his hands"Tell me.Why are you even here.Are you here to gloat that you aborted my child and got away with it"

"Taehyung listen to me"

"Wait are you going to show me your fake concern and manipulate me into taking you back.Honestly nothing would really surprise me.You are capable of anything"the alpha spat

Jungkook shut his eyes feeling Taehyung squeezing his waist harshly.It wasn't because he enjoyed it.He was irked that Taehyung could possibly hurt their child without even knowing it.

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