Episode 2: Fire VS Fire

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This was easily a lot to handle in just a few days. First, he's grieving the loss of his sister. Next, he's given hope that his sister could come back, but the only way to bring her back is to break out a wanted criminal. Then, he's put in prison for breaking out said wanted criminal. And then, he's broken out of prison. Finally, he learns the very embodiment of evil has returned and has successfully taken over his home.

Kai was still processing all of this. Especially since he was in a rather peaceful looking realm. He wouldn't mind just relaxing, but he knew he couldn't. Ninjago needed his help, whether they saw him and his friends as fugitives or not.

Skylor noticed and set a hand on his, squeezing it. "You okay, Kai...?"

Kai snapped out of it and then turned to her, smiling. "Y-yeah! Yeah...just processing everything, I guess. So much has happened. Just another day in Ninjago, right?"

Skylor giggled a bit. "Yeah...well, not really another day in Ninjago. Considering we're not in Ninjago anymore...where do you think we are?"

"We could be anywhere." Kai shrugged. "I'm not surprised by anything really nowadays, but prepare for weird stuff. The Cursed Realm and Departed Realm are filled with dead people, The Never-Realm is nothing but ice and snow, The Cloud Kingdom was shockingly nice to look at, and-"

Skylor stopped him there. "I get it, Kai. I get it."

Kai chuckled a little, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry. Got carried away..."

"Sounds like being a hero doesn't leave a lot of room for free time, huh?" Skylor asked, her eyes softening. She recalled how Kai had wanted them to be official back in Ninjago, and...well...

She didn't think it was a very good time. Not only was Ninjago conquered by The Overlord, but he hadn't talked to her in such a long time. She had feelings for him, yes, but that wasn't an excuse to just ignore the fact that he hadn't spoken to her.

But on the other hand, she couldn't blame him that much. He had to deal with The Oni shortly after Garmadon was imprisoned. Then, he lost his powers and had to deal with a revenge crazed snake queen. Then, Zane was corrupted into an evil emperor. Then, he literally died inside of a video game world. And there was the whole mess with Shintaro, The Island of The Keepers, and finally: Losing his sister to the ocean.

"Not even a little." Kai sighed. "But hey, it's the right thing to do...I wouldn't mind a break though. Just a few moments to be lazy for once, you know...? I know that sounds selfish, but-"

"No, no! I get it." Skylor said. "It's a crazy life you've been through and you deserve a break...besides...I like seeing you when the world isn't at stake."

Kai smiled at that and then finally realized they were holding each other's hands as they walked. "So...is...now a good time to talk about a relationship?"

"Well, not really." Skylor said. "But, let's just leave it at the fact that I want one, hmm?"

Kai smiled even more at that. "I...I do too. For obvious reasons."

"Oh, yeah? What would those be, hotshot?" Skylor asked with a teasing grin.

Kai grinned and was about to begin on all the reasons he even liked Skylor, but then he noticed something nearby. "...a cool jet?"

Skylor's eyes widened. "Uhh...I don't have a cool jet-"

"No! Look!" Kai exclaimed, suddenly pointing across from them to reveal a red jet of some kind parked right in the beautiful grassy field.

The jet had flames painted all across it and had tons of exposed engine parts and a giant cannon right at the front. The jet had a cockpit, but it would leave the pilot completely exposed to enemy fire. It even had motorcycle handles instead of a lever.

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