Chapter 3

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Mina was waiting for a taxi that night when Dong woon bump into her which causes Mina to drop her things.

"Sorry Sir!" She bows in apology before picking her things up.

"Oh! Daughter in law! What are you doing here all alone? Where's that brat?" He says in excitement when he realize that it was Mina he bumped into.

"Chaeyoung is still inside Sir."

"Come on Mina dear! Don't call me Sir, we'll be going to be a family soon from now on call me Dad or Father, okay?"


Things are still uncomfortable for Mina, she's not used to addressing someone as Dad long time ago, she unconsciously frown at the thought.

How is her dad right now? She wants to scold herself. How is he? Might be good as always or got his nose stuck up on his work but she's no different. Look at her now Isn't she any good? Doesn't she also have herself stuck up with work?

Her thoughts were disarrayed when she feel an arm drape over her shoulder.

"Hey Dad! What are you talking with Mina?" She didn't have to look up for that voice says it all.

"You idiot! Don't leave your fiancee here alone! Aren't you going to drive her home?" Dong woon ask and before Chaeyoung could answer, Mina did.

"No I'm going home by myself Chaeyoung said she has so many things to do and I don't want to interfere." She answers in full honesty as she gives her a sincere smile.

"But Minaaaaa..." Dong woon whines in cutish tone

Mina giggles, now she knows where Chaeyoung gets her immaturity. Like father, like daughter.

Dong woon finally give up on forcing Chaeyoung to drive her home.

"Bye Mina." Chaeyoung bids.

"Yeah bye Chaeyoung"

Mina turns at Dong woon and bows.

"Goodbye Have a good night."

"Thanks you too Mina."

Mina is about to get in the cab when Dong woon ask them a sudden question which made her gasp in surprise.

"Aren't you two supposed to kiss?" He innocently ask.

"W-What?" Mina stutters, face flush in embarrassment.

"Yeah I almost forgot!"

If Mina could be any more surprised, then she is now.

Seriously? Did she just hear Chaeyoung say "yeah I almost forgot?"

She turn around and in an instant, her lips met Chaeyoung's hot lips colliding with her own.

Have the clock stop ticking or the world just stop spinning? Is she in hell? Why is it so hot? If she is there then why do her feet feel so cold? Has she gone deaf or is it just her heart pounding loud and hard in her chest?

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