Chapter 2

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Finding a certain logbook from a ton of books is not easy and it is not helping that Mina's fiancee has been just whistling a tune on her favorite seat, not even bothering to help her out.

After that ugly tune, it was followed by another one which irritates the brunette more.

"Can you please stop? You're not helping!" Mina almost throw the encyclopedia at Chaeyoung but she just can't. She can't afford to pay for the possible damages her actions will cause if the blonde dodge.

Chaeyoung stands from her seat and walk behind the brunette.

Mina squeak when she feels a hand creeping along her waist, caging her in a hug.

"What are you doing?" She utters in annoyance and surprise while trying to break free from the hug but whenever she attempts to, Chaeyoung would just tighten her hold like she was doing it on purpose.

She nuzzles Mina's hair, sending shivers across the brunette.

"Is it bad to hug my fiancee? Your hair smells good." Chaeyoung snuggles against her hair more, sniffing it in the process that's why she can't see Mina's face blushing madly in embarrassment.

Mina's hands turn into fists.

"Chaeyoung" She whispers.

"What is it?" Innocence lingers on the blonde's voice.

"Get off me! You damn lazy pervert!" She hit Chaeyoung with the encyclopedia she was itching to throw at her a while ago while the blonde brings her hands up to defend herself against the strikes.

"Eek!You're so violent!" Chaeyoung comments, walking back her seat.

"Idiot! Who told you that you can just hug me like that?" Mina huff as she places the now found log book on her desk.

"I just wanna try it!"

"Then try it with another girl!"

"I can't."

"And why is that?"

Mina raises a brow, her hand flipping the pages to find something.

"I'm tied to you, you're my fiancee, remember?"

Mina rolls her eyes. "That doesn't mean you can just snuggle with me like that!" She complains but  Chaeyoung doesn't seem to pay attention.

Chaeyoung's puts her hand under her chin, her eyes darts upward like she was thinking deeply.

"Come to think of it you're the first girl who refused my hug." She says in an unbelieving tone.

"I'm just trying to be sweet to you and act like what normal couples would do so you won't get awkward when we're in public." She explains further.

"I don't care! Its freaking summer and you hugging me isn't going to cool me, it's more getting hot." Mina fans her hands to show Chaeyoung that it's really hot.

"Oh sorry about that." Chaeyoung smirk
"It always gets hot wherever I go."

Mina raises an eyebrow at Chaeyoung.
"Do you know why is that?" She ask, a smirk playing across her features.

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