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Alright, It's been awhile since I've updated this book. I don't really feel the story anymore, and I'm going to rewrite it in a new book and change the plot, this au just went of something I wrote on a piece of paper, it didn't really have a plan and was all over the place with bad writing and bad plot. I don't like any plot in this book, I think it's all stupid. Anyways, the rewrite will have many story changes, some premise of Bfb ending early and it all going downhill, but I want to show what the name of the book suggests, unstable teams. I ended up showing teams thst were mostly together, I want to show more fallen apart teams, more rivalry, if you get what I mean. I'll try to get chapters out every two weeks, but knowing me that might not happen. I have a lot on my plate and usually don't have the motivation to write, but we'll see!

-Thank you for reading :)

Unstable teams [OLD, REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now