25:A Needely death

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Hello! This is a day before chapter 23

Needle looked at Coiny, who laid sadly at the basment stairs, he'd been upset since Pin had died. Needle sighed, and curled her tail, it was a needle, but it was like any normal tail, just, pointy. Needle bristled as she heard paw steps, and Firey appeared next to her. "He needs to stop grieving. A traitor is a traitor, Pin let Leafy go, she betrayed us. Coiny doesn't have to be upset." Needle looked down at him. "Maybe." She lied. "But, remember, Coiny and Pin were best friends. I know you have no sympathy, but how'd you feel if you lost the person you've been with since the very beginning?" Firey looked up at her and bared his teeth. "If my best friend died, I'd have to fucking deal with it." He turned toward Coiny. "Get the fuck over it!" He snapped. Coiny shot his head up and growled. "Shut up." Firey snorted, "Pin was pathetic anyway. I see no point in being a whiney bitch." Coiny yowled and flew at Firey, pinning him down. Needle jumped back, and yowled in surprise. Coiny began to grapple with Firey, the two a hissed bundle of orange and red. A smell of burning flesh was enough to say Firey had burned Coiny. Needle ran forward, and began to defuse the fight.

 Needle ran forward, and began to defuse the fight

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Coiny was locked up, and Firey was enraged. Needle watched as Loser angirly ranted about traitorous behavior. Needle and Cake just looked at eachother before looking back. Firey was cleaning his wounds, they were mainly on his belly. Needle licked her chest fur uneasily. Losers rant soon came to a close and he stomped off, with Firey trailing after him like a gay baby. Needle sighed in relief. "Now that that's over-" Needle got cut off by Eggy, "I'm sick of those two!" She spat, lashing her tail. "Loser is so fucking full of his self, he thinks everything he does is right, and that he's some hotshot! News flash:He's NOT. God, then there's Firey, that bitch follows Loser around like a baby, a gay baby. Firey would give his life for Losers. It's so damn stupid!" Needle stared at Eggy for a moment, shocked. "Well, I mean, you're not wrong I guess-" Needle said simply. "Yeah-" Cake agreed. Eggy glared at where the two left. "Come on, let's go check on Coiny."

Needle sped ahead to go check on Coiny. He was her friend, so she had to worry for him. Needle walked down the stairs, and saw Coiny locked up. "Coiny!" She whispered, charging to him. "Are you okay?" She asked, worried. Coiny looked up to her, "I'm perfectly fine! Stop freaking out, take some deep-fried breaths!" He joked, "Coiny! Not the time-" she hissed. Eggy and Cake came down, "so, what are we going to do?" Asked Eggy. Needle titled her head. "What?" Eggy cleared her throat. "I said, what are we going to do? We have to do something about the evil homos." Needle just stared. "Why.. why do you keep calling them evil homos? I- what ever." Cake muttered. "Okay," Needle started. "We could free Coiny, then lock Loser and Firey up?" She suggested. Eggy shook her head and stood up. "They need something more horrible than that. Death. One kills Loser, the other kills the gay baby- I mean Firey." Coiny perked up. "I like that idea, and that nickname! I want to kill the gay baby!" He said. "What he said about Pin won't slide. She's was my best friend, he won't get away with that!" Needle looked at Cake, whi clearly didn't want to. "Then I can go for Loser." Needle said.

"So, we got the plan?" Eggy asked. "Yes!" Everyone said. "Good, but let's go over it one more time."
"We kill Loser first. Cake as the healer, will go and talk to Loser about supplies in the healing room, then lock the door. Needle will already be there, hiding. Then Needle kills Loser. That's where I come in. Cake will open the door and I'll walk past and scream that Loser is dead, then the gay ba- Firey, will come and Coiny will leap from his hiding place."
Everyone nodded. It was time to start the plan.

Cake went to look for Loser, "Loser?" He called. Loser peeked out from his room. "Yeah?" He mewed. "We need to talk about medicine supplies, and I have something to show you." Cake said. Loser nodded and followed Cake out of the room.

Needle waited for the two to arrive, she was hiding behind a cabinet, waiting to attack Loser. Cake and Loser arrived, and Cake launched into a rant about medicine, and as he did, locked the door with his tail. Loser listened, but noticed the door. "Cake. Why-?" Needle jumped from her hiding place and pinned Loser, he yowled and wiggled from her grip, then turned and sprang at her, "traitor!" He yowled. Needle dashed forward, and with her tail cut from his neck, to the end of his body. She then ran back up and jabbed her tail in his neck, he violently coughed up blood and fell dead. Needle breathed heavily. She killed someone. She just fucking killed someone-

Eggy walked by and saw Loser dead. She gasped, "Loser! He's dead-!" She turned and saw Firey running full speed, "what! Needle- you!" He growled, shocked. "I'm going to fucking kill you!" He yowled, running to Needle, Coiny jumped a minute late and shouted, "fuck!" And chase after Firey, who had reached Needle. Firey scored his claws across Needles neck before Coiny rammed into Firey and sent him barreling into a desk, Firey hissed and flicked his ear, setting the desk on fire. Coiny jumped on Firey and held him down, then plunged his teeth into Fireys throat. Firey sputtered, then coughed blood and went limp as Coiny ripped his throat out, breathing heavily. Coiny turned to Needle. Cake was crouched over her doing medical shit he didn't understand.

-hours later-
-12 am-

Eggy sat next to Needles bed. Needle had been unconscious since the attack. Eggy had volunteered to watch her untill she woke up. Eggy layed down and yawned. What Needle did today was brave, she clearly didn't want to, but she did what she had to do for the team, which is admirable. Eggy curled her tail around herself, waiting. And waiting. Then, Eggy turned as Needle shuffled, and drowsily raised her head. "Huu- Eggy..? What happened...?" Needle whispered. "After you killed Loser, Firey came and slashed your neck, then Coiny killed him." Eggy whispered back. "How long have I been out..?" "Eight hours." She responded. "I've been here for seven hours." Needle looked at her. "You've been here for seven hours? Thank you for waiting for me.." Needle mewed." "Yeah! No problem." Eggy smiled, looking at Needle. Needle smiled back.

Needle sprang up, hearing a loud yowl. She and the rest of her team walked out to see Donut and the rest of his team, and he look serious. Other teams were coming out, too. "What the fuck?-" Needle hissed. Eggy exchanged looks with her. They were equally confused.

Eggy is fucking gay

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