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Lighting watched Snowball curl his basilisk around his neck. Lighting always wondered where he got that. He killed Match with it, too. And now Pencil just followed his lead as leader. She knows she could never beat him in a fight. He jumped at a tap on his back, turning around he found himself face to face with Ruby. "Oh, hello, Ruby." Lighting greeted. Ruby frowned, "Is there anything you can do about Snowball? His leadership is harming everyone! We are all so unhappy." She said. Lightning clawed the ground. "I'm not sure. Snowball won't hurt anyone. I'm sure of it.." he mewed. Ruby huffed. "Of course you don't see bad in him!" She turned around and stomped off, leaving a uncertain Lightning.

Ruby lashed her tail, walking towards Flower and Fanny. "He said no." She spat. Fanny scoffed. "I hate him!" Flower nodded in agreement. "So, what now?" Flower asked, "if Lighting won't do anything we have to do it ourselves. Pencil obviously won't help." Ruby sighed. "But how would we kill Snowball?" Flower shook her head. "How about we drive him into the woods. Whatever is out there, will get him in time. And the snake thing? Same with it." Ruby nodded. "That could wor-!" Fanny cut in, lashing her tail. "I want him dead! I hate him!" "What's this about hating me?"

The three girls turned around, Fanny speaking first. "I hate you!" She yowled, "I'm not afraid of you. I never will be! You're just a sad excuse for a cat." Nothing but confidence came from her voice. Snowball snickered, "okay. Then we fight." Snowball didn't need to call anymore of the team. Everyone was here.
Snowball and Fanny stood face to face, both ready to fight to the death.

Fanny rammed into Snowball, catching him off-guard. Snowball stumbled backwards, his claws scratching the wooden floor. Fanny changed again, and bit his front leg, her teeth sinking deeper and deeper. Snowball yowled in fury and pain, bending down and biting Fannys neck. Throwing her off. "How dare you..!" He yowled, shaking his snake off. Snowball ran and scratched Fannys flank, then raising his paw to make another blow. Fanny stomped on his front paw, giving her enough time to stand. She turned to see the snake now dead. A small mirror was next to it. She tilted her head but drew her thoughts back to the battle.

Snowball had Fanny pinned to the ground, his claws on her chest. Fanny was struggling to move before she hit Snowball with her back legs, pushing him off her. Fanny jumped up and clamped her jaws on Snowballs ear, tearing at it till it ripped. Snowball yowled in rage and ran at Fanny, sinking his jaws into her throat, he tore it out. Fanny dropped to the ground. Dead. Everyone gasped in horror. "See this?" Snowball challenged. "This is why you will never challenge me! You can't beat me." Suddenly, Pencil sprang at Snowball. She held him down and scratched the back of his throat, then the front. Dragging it up to the first scratch. Snowball choked and gasped for breath, coughing up blood as his head flopped. He was dead.

Pencil stared at him. This is what he got. For killing Match and Fanny. Pencil lashed her tail. All was done now. "So, what now..?" Ruby asked uncertainly. Pencil looked at the two bodys. "We bury them." She mewed, grabbing Fannys body and begining to drag it to the backyard. Lighting grabbed Snowballs. Ruby and Flower trailed behind.

Dirt covered the bodys completely, and the four remaining members of Iance sat in silence.

-6 hours later-
-8 pm-

Lighting layed in his bed. Why. Why did Snowball have to die! Maybe something could've been worked out! But no. Match killed him! Lighting let his claws unsheathe and zap the bed. Maybe there was a good way to release his anger. He could destroy something! Lighting dashed out the door, hitting it with his back leg to close it then zipped into the sky, and dashed into a unsuspecting tree, and zapped it. He flew up to look st the rising smoke. It felt good to zap something again. He flew around and just zapped trees. He didn't care how many he ruined.

Flower looked out the window. Surprise flickered through her as some cats began to wander out. Everyone was to scared. Now people seemed to be more comfortable. She looked away again, not interested. Flower rested her head on her paws and sighed. She wanted everything back to normal. Everyone did, of course. To when we were happy, competing on the show! Challenge after Challenge. When Four and X retuened, would everyone be to untrustful, to traumatized to compete again? Why did Four and X leave? It ruined everything! They ruined fucking everything.

Lightning paused. Realizing how far he was, going down to the forest floor. Looking around. He was lost. Lightning padded forward, the sun was setting and rain was coming. He could fly back? Yes. He floated up only a little bit, before a flurry of fur purpelled him into a ditch. Holding him down as the ground rumbled. Massive paws streaked by. He darted his eyes around to try and see who save him. All he got was a glance of green fur.

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