21:Fluffy tears

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Balloony stepped backwards, trying to retrace his steps back to the cabin. The big, goopy creature was resting. It wouldn't notice him if he left slowly. Right?

Marker smiled, drawing with Rocky. "So Rocky, do you wanna play toss the dirt later?" Rocky titled his head, and said "what's that?" Marker hid his surprise, Rocky didn't talk often. Most forogt he could talk. "When we go outside, paw out dirt, jump in the hole and repeat! So much dirt.." Marker murrmured. Rocky opened his jaws to respond, but before he could utter a response, Cloudy was there silencing him with a look. "I know you both want to go outside, but right now we can't. Something is prowling out there, and Balloony isn't here." Marker looked at him and frowned. "Okay.." he pouted, Cloudys gaze was replaced with sympathy. "Don't worry Marker, you'll be able to go outside eventually. We won't keep you in here forever. For now, it's truly for your safety." Marker nodded. "Okay!" He chirped as Cloudy smiled and floated towards the window near the door, sitting and waiting for Balloonys return.

Balloony stepped back with purpose, watching the creature. It was like a cat, but with beady little eyes. Balloony made sure he watched it, backed up, and stepped on nothing.

Cloudy made himself sit still, and no longer float. He tucked his tail over his paws and stared out the window. This team had suffered so much. Nickel died, the Roboty left, then, David, he.. he, went crazy. He recalled the memory.

Cloudy had been sitting on the couch, stretching and opening his jaws in a big yawn, his ear flopping. Suddenly, a surprised yowl alerted him, making him jump up in alarm. "Balloony-" he paused as a pair of two cats came tumbling down the stairs. David and Balloony. Davids eyes were fully white, and he slashed at his muzzle, Cloudy floated, gaping at the two before charging to help, he sunk his teeth into Davids scruff and draggdd him off. He shook him and David yowled in outrage, Balloony flew by and slashed his flank, and then returned with a swipe at the ears. Cloudy knew his grip was losening, and then David wigged free, and turned to Cloudy, rising on his hind paws and drawing down on his eyes, Cloudy screeched in surprise and fell down, and he heard hissing and the sharp tang of blood touched his nose. And then, a thump. He slowly blinked open his eyes. Balloony stood over David, greif in his eyes. "Why would he do this?"

Cloudy unshesthed his claws, why? They had never figured out why David was gone crazy. Then, Woody. Cloudy shook his head, Woody had gotten infested with Black goop? No. A better word would be Tar. It wasn't Tar exactly, but much like it. Then Rocky, the poor child had to put Woody out of his misery. Cloudy bared his teeth. After that, they were only three members. Now they were four, with Marker. Cloudy looked at the sky through the window, it was now dusk. Oh Balloony, where are you?

Balloony stepped on a twig. The monster, the creature, immediately looked at him with those beady eyes, and Balloony couldn't help but scream in terror. He turned around, and began to run away. The creature pounded on the forest floor behind him, Balloony felt terror engulf him. Would he make it? Suddenly, a burst of light pushed him into a bush. He turned, and saw the brown pelt of Woody.

Cloudy opened the door to find himself face to face with Gaty, "oh, hello Gaty!" Gaty smiled, "I wanted to visit you, since our team is a little frantic right now." Cloudy nodded, and let Gaty in. Closing the door, the two setted near the stsirs. Gaty spoke first. "How have you been coping?" Cloudy titled his head. Gaty raisdd a brow, unimpressed. "You know what I mean." Cloudy sighed. He did know what Gaty was talking about. "I'm worried." He confessed. "Something is out there. I know it. Everyone does. I see some go into the woods. And most never come out. And Balloony hasn't returned, hes been gone since last night. I couldn't bear him being gone." Gaty nodded, "I'm sorry. I'm sure he'll come back soon. I got to go however, I just wanted to do a quick visit." Gaty smiled, and left. Leaving Cloudy to his thoughts.

"Quiet!" Woody snapped in a panicked voice, fear in his eyes as equal as Balloonys. Balloony watched the creature stop at the bush, then snarl and bite the bush, starting to rip it. Woody looked at Balloony, greif jn his eyes. "Im so sorry. There's nothing I can do.." he murrmured, fading away. Balloony gasped as jaws met his body, he wailed as it tore deeper into him. "Help-!" He abruptly got cut off as he died.

Balloony bolted up, looking down and seeing his body. His. "No.." Balloony whimpered. "I can't be. Cloudy, Rocky and Marker need me!" Balloony wailed, and bolted off and out of the woods, streaking into his team house, "Cloudy!" He yowled, but Cloudy didn't hear him. Balloonys whole world crumbled around him. He was dead. He didn't get to say goodbye.

Cloudy heard the wail, the scream. Balloony was dead, and he didn't do anything. He was frozen, so he didn't even go check the noise out. Cloudy began to walk to his room, opening the door and crashing on the floor, hitting the door close with his legs. Cloudy curled up and sobbed. Why so much death? So many had died. Why couldn't there be peace? Cloudy felt a tail on his back, he looked but there was no one there. But a presence. A ghost? Cloudy didn't question it but just sobbed and hid his head in his fur.

Balloony rested his tail on Cloudy. Only 3 remained of Beep. Balloony layed beside Cloudy. Maybe Four and X would be back soon. "It will be okay.." he whispered.

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