7:Meeting at sundown

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Bottle hummed, a quickly skipped along to Blehs cabin, once she reached the Cabin she knocked 5 times, and Book answered. "Yes?" Book mewed, her tone sharp with aggression. "We're having a meeting at sundown tommorow! The leaders of the team have to come, so we can figure out the murderer!" Bottle said oddly cheerfully, Book slowly nodded. "Okay. Shoo." Bokk snapped at last, closing the door.

Pie strode across the earth, the losers cabin wasn't far. She noticed claw mark and missing earth near the cabin, leader to Beeps. Odd. Pie shrugged it off. She didn't want to make a big reaction. Or she would explode. Pie shook her head, and realized she was know at the losers cabin. She knocked on the door. No one came, "oh. Greetings Pie!" She whirled around, face to face with Cake. "Oh, hi Cake. There's a meeting at sundown for the two leaders of each team. We need to decide the source of the murders." Pie said calmly, Cake nodded. "I'll tell Loser for sure!"

Pen smiled at Balloony. "Yeah. So any questions of the meeting?" Balloony seemed to ponder for a moment then nodded. "What if we're wrong about the murderer?" He asked. "I, don't know.." Pen admitted. "If we are, figure it out from there." Balloony frowned. "We'll come, but we won't help with any death. Pen nodded. "Sounds fair."

Tree groaned, looking at the new metal fence around team ABNTT's cabin. Knocking wouldn't work, that's for sure. Tree tried to knock loudly before pounding the metal, he didn't want to get labeled as bad. He heard a whisper, before the metal walls were brought down. Golfball and Tennisball stood infront of him. "Oh. Just a Death Pacter." Tennisball mewed. "Why are you here?" Golfball hissed. "Calm down, I'm just here to tell you there's a meeting at sundown tommorow. Two leaders come." "And why should we go?" Golfball snapped immediately. "Because, it could stop the murders?" Tree said, thinking it was obvious what the meeting was for. Golfball narrowed her amber eyes. "We'll think about it." She said at last, and tapped a button. The metal fence went back up with a loud clank.

Remote bounded along to Free foods cabin, she jumped in surprise when a loud cling echoed around her. Bell. Free foods, alerter it seemed. Fries jumped out of the cabin, snarling then calmed once realizing who was there. "Meeting at sundown." Remote said simply. "How many people do-" "the leaders.' She responded, cutting him off. Fries nodded, then noticed the setting sun. "You okay to walk back on your own?" He asked. "I should be." She responded, and pelted off. To get home quickly.

"Yes! We'll find out for sure!" Dount hissed, confidence as he yowled. Pillow nodded, knowing Team ICE CUBE!! had taken it hard, two of their team members lost and almost losing Spongy. "You'll be good help. Thank you." Pillow mewed, sliding away she slipped through the door and hummed a simple tune as she walked along the path back to her cabin.

"Come on! Don't be so stubborn.." Black hole mewed, "we won't,like come! Iance has no involvement!" Match snapped. "Yeah, like. There's no point." Pencil agreed. "Please?" Black hole mewed, sounding defeated. Ruby finally said something. "We do have involvement, Bubble died. Killed by this murderer. You should go! Pleasee?" Ruby pleaded. Pencil and Match looked at eachother, and sighed. "Like, fine Ruby.." Match mewed.

<The next day>
"We all here?" Tree mewed, viewing the cats who had arrived. Ballony and Cloudy form Beep, Pencil and Match from Iance, Book and Ice cube from Bleh, Dount and Barf bag from team ICE CUBE!! Fries and Puffball from Free food, Loser and Firey from the losers. And, Golfball and Tennisball had just arrived. "Good, now. Let's begin." Tree said, raising his voice and getting everyone's attention.

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