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~Gore warning~

Fries crept towards Golfballs factory, carefully stepping forward. Golfballs factory has to have something, a weapon. Something I can ude to kill Book. Fries stopped as something fell onto his nose, he looked up at the sky. It started to snow, Fries grumbled and ran faster, he skidded to a stop infront of the stairs. Golfball was stupid enough to not add security, maybe because this was hard to find? Fries shook his head, and started to walked down the stairs and into Golfballs factory.

Fries avoided the incinerator that Golfball had, casting a look at it before going on. Fries eyes darted everywhere, looking for something that could work. His eyes made contact with a unfinished weapon, he bounded over to it, and put a paw on it. He quickly yanked it back, turning his paw over to see his scratched paw pad. It hurt like hell, Fries winced and put a paw over it. The pain continued for what seemed like houts before soothing. He lifted his paw and looked. There was already a infection? Fries looked back towards thr machine. It was a machine that would infect a cats wound. He smiled, "perfect, but it's unfinished.." Fries picked up, correctly thid time. He turned it over, and found some screws weren't there. He set it back down, and searched the factory with his eyes for screws. He locked eyes with a box full of screws.

Fries collected 8 screws, and grabbed a screwdriver. He dashed back anf began to put the screws in, Fries screwed the last one in quickly. He looked around, and then saw a corridor. He tilted his head, and walked over to it. It had security. Of course. Maybe he could get a crowbar and force it open? Fries waved his tail, and turned around. As far as he could see, there was no crowbar near. Fries trotted forward, looking for a crowbar.

Fries walked down a long hallway in Golfballs factory, passing by many rooms. All labeled with something like 'Scrap' 'Old projects' 'Maps' etc. He made it to the end of the hallway, and found the door he was looking for. 'Weapons' He smirked, and opened the door. Inside there was many boxes and crates, all filled with weapons, he ignored each one till he found a crowbar, Fries picked it up, and wacked the floor with it. It made a dent. He shook dirt from his fur and began to walk back, the crowbar in his jaws

Fries looked at the sky, from he was he could see it. Day was approaching. How long had it taken for him to walk? Fries shrugged it off, and went to the door. He put the crowbar on the opening, and began to pull.

Alarms started to blar, but Fries ignored them and continued to pull. He jerked the crowbar back, and the door opened. Another corridor? Fries walked up to it, and put the crowbar on it. He then heard a voice.

"And just what do you think you're doing?" Fries turned around to face the voice. Golfball, "um.." Golfball snarled, and leaped forward, Fries yelped in surprise. Golfball held him agasint the corridor. "You're to die for this! No one breaks in and steals my stuff!" Golfball sunk her teeth into his throat, and started to pull at his flesh and fur. Fries yowled in pain, gurgling blood. Golfball jerked back, ripping his throat at.

Golfball spat fur out, looking at Fries dead body, blood surged out of his neck.

Golfball spat fur out, looking at Fries dead body, blood surged out of his neck

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Golfball stared at the body for a moment longer, watching him bleed out. Golfball shook her head, and wiped the blood from her mouth. She walked away, and closed the lab door behind her.


Black goop formed around Free foods house, beginning to eat up the house, making it slowly die.


Marker yawned, waking up. He looked around his room. Marker slid from his bed, and opened the door. He happily went to the kitchen, and opened the fridge. Marker grabbed shredded cheese, and opened it. He poured it into his mouth, and then tossed it into the trash. Being done with it. Stapy and Foldt rushed to him with a panicked expression. "Marker! We have to leave the house, NOW." Marker titled his head, "why?" "No time to explain!" Foldy yowled, but then the roof started to despair. "What's happening!?" Marker wailed, lashing his tail. Stapy pulled Foldy away from falling wood. The three other members stumbled from the hallway. Yellow face came to late, and wood fell on top if him leaving a blood splatter. Bell shook, making herself ring. "We're going to die! The door is blocked!" She yowled, Eraser pushed agaisnt her, his eyes darting across the room.

Stapy and Foldy clinged to eachother, fear in their eyes as the wood fell around them, a huge chunk fell on the two, and they died.

Eraser ran at the door, and tried to haul the wood away, frantically pulling at it, he sunk his jaws into it and pulled, but howled in pain, wrenching his tooth. Eraser took steps back, and press his bacm into the shattered window, glass pricked his skin, and he dashed forward in surprise, getting bashed on the head by Bell as she rang desperately, Bell screeched into panic after she hit the pink cat, slamming into a window and shattering it, knocking herself out cold.

Marker sobbed, running forward and jumping through the window, scratching his belly in the process. The whole house crumbled, and the wood flooded the grass. Marker coughed weakly, tears fell from his eyes. His whole team was dead! Just him. Just him. Marker felt a paw nudge him, he looked up to see Balloony. "Kid, what happened?" He asked, his eyes flashing with worry. "The house," he sobbed, "fell. It's only me left." Balloony sighed, "I'm sorry, Marker. You can come with me, Rocky always saw you as a brother." Marker smiled weakly, and followed him.

Book bolted up, spinning around to see who wacked her. There were still there. A black cat, fully black stared at her. "Ýóų hāvê țø ķňøw whąț ýöú čãû§ëđ." Book stared into the cats eyes. "Show me."

~~~~~~~My parts keep messing up and it's pissing me off

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My parts keep messing up and it's pissing me off. I won't let me move my parts, and it says parts are drafts all though I published them already. Do two chapters of the same appear for y'all?

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