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Golfball felt guilt hang on to her like a chain around her paw, to stubborn to let go. Golfball hadn't meant to kill Blocky. But since she had no claws, what she lacked made up for in her powerful back legs. Same for other cats with no claws on their front paws. So much as a kick can kill a cat.

Golfball paced, lashing her tail and ignoring the knocks at her door. She was ignoring everyone. She was staying cooped up in her room, and only left at night to grab essentials. She couldn't be the strong, smart leader and face her team. She had killed someone, one of her teammates!

Tennisball continued to knock on the door, frustration bubbling up inside of him. She'd have to come out sooner or later. They had to talk. Tennisball shook his head. Not today, he sighed and turned away.

Golfball listened untill the steps faded, and then collapsed on her floor with a sigh. She curled up into a ball, and covered her face with her paws. A tear rolled down her cheek, and she wiped it away. She couldn't cry. Even in her room, cooped up, she couldn't let her strong, smart structure as a leader fall. Even alone in her room. Golfball uncurled herself a little bit, and let her paws drop and she slid them under her belly. Golfball stared at her wall aimlessly, and focused on nothing but the wall and her own thoughts.

You killed him. It doesn't matter that it was a accident. Murder can never be excused as a accident. I think, atleast. Would her team ever forgive her?
Maybe they would, if she went ant talked to them?
No. I can't.
They won't.
I just know it.
They will never
Forgive me.
It's impossible.
No one can forgive someone who killed a cat, their teammate.
Absolutely no on-


The yell snapped her from her thoughts, and she stiffened. She didn't turn to see who spoke. She knew.

Basketball stood in Golfballs doorway

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Basketball stood in Golfballs doorway. She got sick of waiting and rammed the door open. "Golfball." She spat more sternly. Golfball didn't stir, but she wasn't asleep as she stiffened early. Basektball walked right up to her and stepped on her tail.

Golfball quickly jumped and glared at Basketball. "Come on." Basketball snapped at her, "we are finally having that talk." Basketball hissed scornfully, stomping out of the room. Golfball stared after her. She didn't want to face her team. She wasn't a strong and smart leader anymore. She never was, and never will be.

Tennisball looked at the rest of the team, Basketball, 8-ball, Robot Flower, and Tv. He heard the sound of pawsteps as Golfball walked from the hallway, she sat at the hallways beginning, looking glum. "You killed Blocky! Why!" Basketball spat out immediately, "he was your teammate!" She yowled. Golfball flinched then drew her lips back in a snarl. "It was self-defense! He attacked first!" Basketballs eyes sparked with rage, standing up. "Murder is self defense!?" She asked, taking a threating step forward. Golfball didn't step back, but stepped forward. "I never meant to kill him! I kicked him agaisnt the tree, and he died from head trauma. I only meant to kick him agasint the tree. That's - not what I wanted to do." Her voice broke at the last sentence.

Tennisball watches the two argue back in forth. Tv and 8-ball litterially just left because it was boring. Robot Flower threw something in every now and then. Suddenly, he took more attention to the shouting. "For what you've done, you should leave!" Basketball sneered, and Golfball snarled. "I won't stay where I am not welcome." Golfball walked pass Basketball and oushed through the door, then as the door closed, she broke into a run.

Golfball ran, running to her lab. She finally made it to her lava and flung down, closing the door behind her as she jumped down, the net on the incinerator activating. Golfball quickly got up and dashed next to a random spot and layed there. She never wanted to go back. She couod stay here, and live here, all alone. Forever

Tennisball lashed his tail, "we've got to go now! Golfball might get hurt!" Tennisball pleaded, searching Basketballs eyes. "She made her decision! Let her leave! Who cares? Oh, right, you." She snorted, looking away from Tennisball. He growled in frustration. "What's your problem lately? You used to be not so, so, tempered! But after Blocky died you've just.." Tennisball trailed off. Basketball gasped, "how dare you!" Basketball jumped at Tennisball, who jumped back. "Basketball, calm down and think! This can be worked out if we think." Tennisball said swiftly, trying to reason with the angered cat. "No!" She yowled, "no.."

Grassy winced as the yelling echoed, he pushed himself closer to Tv. "Grassy is worried. Basketball and Tennisball are screaming. Why are they screaming?" Tv looked down at the small child. "They are fighting." He said. "Grassy wants to help them not fight!" He declared, but Tv shook his head. "You should leave them be." Tv said, patting Grassy on the head. "They will sort it out." Tv looked down at Grassy, and smiled with a icon on his Tv screen. Grassy smiled back then frowned. "Grassy is sad." Tv frowned on his tv screen. "Grassy misses Blocky. Where is Blocky?"

Golfball sobbed, crying and crying. She didn't want to stay here forever. These thoguhts were all just anger. She wished she hadn't killed Blocky, then things could be different, Basketball wouldn't be mad, Grassy would be happy, the team wouldn't be a mess and, she wouldn't have to drop her strong and smart leadership to show she's not all she talks herself ul to be. A fresh rage pulsed through Golfball as she stood, rage in her eyes she growled and paced the lab, stomping things around her. "I'll show them.." she spat, running towards the incinerator, she had turned off the net in her stomp-fit, and suddenly fell, she shrieked but it cut off as jaws sank into her scruff.
Someone had saved her.

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