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The trio were sitting down, watching Bandit set up a swing. '' You got it, Mr. Heeler?''Jake smiled, looking at Bandit wince at Bluey's shenanigans.

''Yeah, yeah. You know, you can call me dad.'' Bandit pointed out, smiling at Jake. ''But it doesn't feel right.'' He shrugged, finishing it. ''Up to you.''  Judo propped herself up on the bush, waving at the group. ''Hey Bluey's dad, whatcha doin?''

''Finishing up a swing.'' He got off the wood lining, walking into the house. Bluey jumped in, giggling. ''Lets play butterflies!'' The kids all agreed.

This episode is called Butterflies.

Bluey explained the rules as the other three stood there. ''..And that's what we're doing,'' Jake smiled, nodding. ''Kay.'' Judo waved it off, smiling as well. ''I wanna be the butterfly first!'' Judo frowned, and shook her head at Bingo's words.

''Your too small to be the butterfly. I'll be the butterfly!'' Judo asserted, giving a small 'hmph.' Bingo gave a evil glare at Judo, frowning. ''No I'm not.'' She asserted back, a small growl hidden in her tone. Jake raised a brow at said tone.

He hadn't heard her this angry in a while. He didn't say anything, shrugging. '' Come on Mango, let's go be the hunters!'' He smiled, nodding at Bluey. Bluey smiled back, getting on the floor with Judo.

Me and Jake retreated to behind the shed, us smiling. Then, I noticed the ladybug. I gasp lightly and smile. ''Poor little bug on the wall, ding jing. No one to love him at all, ding ding.'' I stare at the little bug making his way.

''No one to tickle his toes, ding jing.'' I feel Jake's warm smile behind me, and it makes me smile more. ''No one to blow his nose, pfft!'' He joins me at the end, and we giggle.

'' La La La, pretty butterflies!'' We grin evilly, as we jump out and scare them. I go for Bluey, as Bingo goes for Judo. ''Hahahah!''  We all giggle, as I tackled Bluey, and Bingo hugged Judo tightly., ''Got you!'' We sync, grinning.

'' Okay! Me and Bluey will be the catchers!'' Judo ran to the corner, Bluey reluctantly following. I lay down, looking at Jake with a grin. We start crawling around, and after a few seconds, we get up and enter the swing. ''Its a little crowded...''

''Yeah, but it's ok!'' I tell to Bingo, smiling giddily and stepping out carefully. ''Okayy, we're readyy~'' She yelled, exiting the swing, but falling mid-process. ''Bingo!-'' She averted into my arms, us slamming into the ground.

We both grunt, and I stare at Bingo staring at me. We lock eyes for a minute, lost. ''C-come on.'' She got off of me, that tint of red more visible. ''We're pretty butterflies, hehehe!'' She giggled, trying to brush it off.

Bluey, listening to Judo ramble in Phones, quickly noted the scene she saw between Bingo and Jake. Was she...trying to steal Jake from her. Her jealousy bubbled into her stomach again. She can't..!

Bluey ran back to her backyard, looking at the occupied swing's shadow. ''Bingo? I'm sorry I ran away from you.'' She sighed, sitting down and playing with the grass, feeling her jealousy bubble into sorrow.

''Poor little bug on the wall...ding, jing.'' Bluey sang, shaking her head. ''No one to love her at all..'' She trails off, sighing. ''Ding, ding...'' Bingo finished the line, lowering her tail and looking at her sister.

''No one to tickle her toes..'' Bingo smiled, letting Bluey finish hers. ''No one to blow his nose, pfft!'' They joined together on the last part. The two sisters smiled, and hugged. ''Where's Jake?'' Bluey asked, looking behind her. ''Looking inside for you.''

''BLUEY!'' Judo angrily called out , the voice getting closer. ''Quick, hide!'' Bluey hopped in the swing, hiding with Bingo. ''Make sure to turn your phone to silent.'' '' Right, thanks!'' Bluey clicked her version of her phone, making a boop sound.

''Bluey! You ran away from me!'' A slight growl appeared in Judo's sentence, making Bluey wince. ''You ran away from me!'' Bingo retorted for her sister, narrowing her eyes. ''Yeah, I guess I did..'' Judo sighed, noticing her mistake. '' I'm sorry.''  Judo apologized, shaking her head.

''It's okay.''

// kay, authors note, I'm so so sorry for not uploading! I had major writers block, and I wanted to enjoy Fall Break! Never the less, wear your water and drink your seatbelts! //

The New Guy ( PLATONIC Bluey x Reader )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें