Here and Now Pt.2

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I finish with the pancakes as I hear footsteps flying in. " Oh? " I gasp, surprised, and concerned for this fact. " What's goin on here? " We're playing tag! " Jake answers my question, and I reply with my most humble scoff.

" Well, Brekkie is done. So, go get Bluey and Bingo so you guys can eat. " I instruct, getting the two named kid's plates. The kids lined up, and I hand Bluey and Bingo their plates. " Do you usually make your own plate? " I ask Jake, handing a plate to him.

He nodded, and started making his plate. They're lucky it's a weekend, huh? Not for Bandit though, he has to work all day. I look up from zoning out to see the kids gone. I chuckle and clean the plates.

" Kids! " There goes my peace.. I jog upstairs, only to see Bandit's yoga ball rolling straight toward me, followed by a, " LOOK OUT! " Lucky for me again, I dodged it! " Kids! " I warn. " You know your dad has to work. "

"THANK YOU, CHILLI! " I responded with a welcome statement before going downstairs to get the yoga ball. " Oh back will not like this. "

After a lot of effort in what, 5 minutes, I got it up the stairs. I roll it back to Bandit, and smile. " Don't lose it next time hun. " I tease, going back downstairs.

He smiled gratefully at me, as I leave the room to go watch the TV. " Nothing goods on. " I groan, as I hear the doorbell. " Hey Chilli! Ready for our game? " I'm met with Trixie's words as soon as opening the door.

Bluey heard her mother talking downstairs, and she shushed Jake and Bingo. "...I really don't feel bad for Jake's parents, though. They were very rude. " She heard Trixie speak, seeing Jake now had a very distressed look.

" Trixie! " I hear Mum scold Aunt Trixie. " What? I'm just saying my opinion. " Jake ran off into the corner of my room. " Jake! " I call out, following him. I pat his shoulder as we sit in silence for a minute.

" Jake? " Bingo whispered, sitting next to me.  " Are you okay? "  She continued, after acknowledging his silence.

Hoping you liked the new writing style!!

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