PART 12: w.d.y.w.f.m? [what do you want from me?];

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"Hey, Mal. I'm here to pick up some stuff," Harry awkwardly smiled and greeted her waving his hand.

"Don't you have a key?" Mal asked, unlocking the door rather harshly.

"I do, but I thought it would be best to not invade your space. This is your apartment, after all, you won't like me going in whenever I want," he explained.

Mal pushed the door open walking in first, she didn't bother to look back or invite him in. She wanted this encounter to be over as soon as possible. But as she walked further into the apartment she noticed that she wasn't greeted by a hungry Ben. Quite the opposite actually, it was too quiet.

"Where's Ben?" Harry asked making the same observation as her. She could hear his heavy steps behind her.

Mal didn't have enough energy to explain where their furry friend might be. The past sleepless nights exhausted her completely. She only had to glance once at the slightly opened balcony door to know where the little furry animal was. A heavy sigh escaped her lips, she was sure Harry had noticed because as she walked toward the balcony his heavy steps followed her. The noise his boots made when they touched the floor annoyed her.

"Ben?" the blond pushed the balcony door open and stuck her head out to take a look.

She wished the first thing that she noticed was Evie, but her body and mind have been so tired and aching for so much-needed sleep.

"He's in the living room," Evie's voice sounded so hoarse that stopped Mal dead in her tracks. Her eyes darted to the other woman taking her in. Mal wasn't sure if her mind was not playing tricks now. Was Evie standing there before her? Was Evie really there, looking like she has not gotten a decent amount of sleep?

Mal wanted to scream at her, "Where the fuck have you been?" but instead she bit her tongue and exhaled:

"You're back,"

Evie's face was unreadable and Mal found that irritated her. She wanted the taller woman to start explaining herself, to apologize to say something. But instead, she looked at her averting gaze and her perfect jawline lock.

"Hi, Evie. It's been so long," Harry greeted walking next to Mal.

"Harry, hello," Evie said letting one hell of a smile dance across her lips. Mal felt her knees go weak and her stomach flipped. The realization hit her, she couldn't have that conversation now. In a matter of fact, she didn't want to have it at all anymore. All this going insane over it just made Mal feel worse. She had ruined it. All of it.

"How have you been? You look great- I mean, everything's good with you, ain't it?" Harry carried on the conversation stepping closer to the taller brunette.

"Of course," Evie forced a laugh. "And you? What have you been up to?"

"Oh you know, the usual. Have a new place downtown, really good neighborhood," he carried on, flashing a smile now and then. If Mal didn't know he was in a relationship she'd thought Harry was flirting with Evie. That thought really bothered her.

"We should go out sometime, for old time's sake," Evie said then, Mal's head snapped so fast that she could feel the whiplash on her neck.

"I would like that, maybe we can all go out sometime," Harry agreed and looked at the blond.

Mal felt like she was in one of these romantic movies where her ex is here to mess up her head and confuse her while she was on her way to- her new romantic interest? She felt small under both of their gazes, the worst part was that she couldn't read their neutral faces. Were they waiting for her to do something, to say something?

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