PART 4: connections;

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After Gil, Mal noticed that Evie had a lot of different people coming around in the next few weeks. She saw Gil a few times at different parts of the day. A few other men that didn't stick more than one night at Evie's apartment.

One morning she was even greeted by a very gorgeous dark-haired woman with blue eyes. The woman was tall and was wearing only a white tank top and her underwear in a matching color. Mal thought she was probably some model since she was tall and well fit. The unknown woman's features also reminded her of a young Angelina Jolie.

Let's just say that Mal has seen Evie with more people in the past few weeks than since she moved in here. The blond couldn't remember if it was like this before or if she just hasn't noticed it. Seeing Evie with so many different individuals made Mal realize that she knew very little about the woman and at the same time she felt like Evie was always in her life.

Mal felt frustrated when she caught herself thinking about Evie for no particular reason. She would simply sit in her office doing paperwork when she would randomly get the dark-haired beauty in her mind. The blond would sometimes ask Uma at the most random of times about such things as:

"Is it normal for a person to have so many nightstands?"

"Is it possible to feel someone you barely know so close?"

"Why does Ben love more strangers than me?"

And Uma would look at her like she was an alien and would laugh at the randomness of it all. They would be getting work done and Mal would drop stuff like that. Uma knew that Mal has been struggling to make connections with people and that she is the only friend of Mal's that understand her best. So when these questions started popping up and there she got curious about who is she talking about.

The chocolate-skinned woman would always give her a normalized answer since she would see that her friend was low-key freaking out about this stuff. Uma tried her best to assure Mal that these things are normal and most people do them, even her sometimes.

When Mal got home one day after serious consideration of why she was so drawn to Evie lately, she thought it would be best to get to know her. Mal would crave to ask her if she feels it too, but that would be too weird and will probably ruin their good relationship.

She was lost in her mind once again when she noticed that her balcony door is barely slid open. In a matter of seconds, she went through a few emotions; she was furious that Ben has escaped yet again; she was also impressed by his ability to open the glass door and get out; she was just a little concerned that her cat might have went on a suicidal mission following a bird and jumping out off the balcony. Her heart almost leaped out of her chest after thinking the worst.

With quick steps, Mal was out on the shared balcony scanning for her furry friend.

"Ben?!" she called him out but he was nowhere in sight.

She went back into her apartment checking all of the rooms just in case. Mal started panicking just a little when she couldn't find him in the next 10 minutes. She went out on the balcony again praying to God that Evie was home and he was with her.

The blond walked in front of the glass door that led to Evie's living room [unlike hers, which lead to her bedroom]. Mal knocked carefully on the glass door, hoping to be enough. When there was no reply, she realized that it would be best if she went and rang the bell instead. She was so worried that she didn't even remember walking to Evie's front door and clicking multiple times on the doorbell.

Finally, Evie opened the door with a smile on her face and a greeting pouring from her lips, which fast died down when she noticed Mal's worried expression.

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