Seth grimaced at my snot then began sniffing the ground. I followed him carefully watching his long black tail swing back and forth as he walked his nose stuck to the ground like a magnet.

We were utterly lost absolutely one hundred percent doomed, at least that's how I felt. We made it out of the green tunnels and into the blue and purple ones. I didn't know whether or not we were passing the same stuff, everything looked familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. Hours passed and my feet were really starting to hurt so we took a short break. 

"We have to think about this! If we wander around aimlessly, we'll just get lost" Seth commented passing back and forth sniffing the walls to try and find the way out, but so far he hadn't been able to smell anything at least not anything useful.

"We're already lost," I complained rubbing my incredibly sore feet it felt like I walked to school a hundred times.

"Not helping," Seth said still pacing back and forth smelling obsessively. 

"If we could find the way you came in, then we would have a way out," I commented unenthusiastically slipping my shoes back on. 

"I don't want to go back the way I came." 

"Why not?" 

"Let's just say I was being chased by some very unfriendly people and I had to run in here to get away. Let's try and find the way you came in." 

"I fell through a tree and landed in here." 

"Wow you picked the absolute worst entrance into Luminari didn't you," Seth dead panned with a human like sigh. 

Hearing Seth say we were in Luminari really lifted a weight off of my shoulders. I don't know why it made me feel so good, I clearly wasn't in the human world anymore, or I had hit me head really hard.

 "There is a way to go back through the daed trees, but that wouldn't help us we have to get out of here if we're going to rescue your sister." Seth sighed "I guess we'll just keep going forward."

I tied my shoes and we continued on our way. 

We found another tunnel full of blue and purple crystals and walked down it. The tunnel felt very familiar even the muddy ground felt the same. We came up on a fork in the road one way was a tunnel full of solid green crystals and the other was a blue and purple tunnel with what sort of looked like a human bone. 

"I've been here before!" 

"Bailey all these tunnels look the same," Seth muttered cynically.

"No, I recognize that bone, last time I took the green path because I was scared to go down the one with the bone." 

Seth walked up to the bone and tasted it. 

"Seth!" I shouted in disgust. 

"What I'm a dog aren't I?"

The bone was very old looking with a yellowish tint, it was much bigger than any of the bones in my body it looked like a leg bone belonging to a full-sized person, like somebody who was over six feet tall. 

"Do lots of people die down here?" I asked looking around cautiously. 

"Yes, usually from lack of food and water, although you could survive in here for a long time, by eating the crabs and drinking the mud," It was hard to understand Seth because of the bone in his mouth.

We continued walking down the blue and purple path, it was long and straight the tunnel seemed to go on forever and ever it was almost like we weren't moving at all, the end just never got any closer. 

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