"What? Why?" I raised my voice, not wanting to be in the same car as Wyatt and not wanting to drive to the Valentine's house. I don't know why he needed to be driven there but I knew it wasn't good. I wouldn't do that, not when my brother is a loose canon. I won't put the Valentine's in danger. 

"Just to scare them a little. Make them think twice about following through with their plans" I glanced at Finch who seemed to be listening and agreeing with my fucked up family. I turned towards him. 

"Shouldn't you of all people be deterring them-" I pointed at my Mum and Wyatt, "from doing that?" I asked, Finch shrugging as he leant against the kitchen island. 

"It's not illegal to spook people, Holden. Especially guilty people" My belief that Scarlett truly was guilty seemed to be thinning every day since the trial. I shook my head. 

"I won't take him" I stated loudly, my mother sighing as she took a step away from Wyatt and slowly made her way around to me. 

"It's just a note, that's all" When my Mum stopped in front of me she raised her arms to press her hands to my chest. I caught her wrists in a tight grip before she even dared taint me with her touch. Some unreadable expression flickered across her face at my sudden movement, my hand subconsciously tightening around her wrists even more as I stared down at her. 

"Please, Holden. Wyatt's just going to slip an envelope under the do-"

"What's in the envelope?" I cut her off, noticing the way her lips twitched in pain when I applied more pressure to her wrists. 2 years ago I never would've spoke to my Mum like this, never would've touched her like this. Not once have I ever raised a hand to her or touched her voluntarily, but right now all I wanted to do was squeeze until she was howling in pain. 

I've always been the biggest in the family, the tallest, most muscular, but never did I ever fight them because I was still a kid. I was under 18, living at home, and they could do whatever they wanted. Now I was 20 and not terrified of them anymore. And if it really called for it, I wouldn't hesitate to raise a hand to any of them. 

"Just an anonymous note discouraging them from seeking a retrial" I stared down at my mother with such hate, I knew she could see it. 

"If I take him to drop the note off, I'm out" My Mum frowned, shaking her head in confusion. 

"I don't understand. Out of wh-" I cut her off. 

"Out of this family. No more dinners trying to earn my forgiveness. No more phone calls. No more text messages. If I do this for you, you leave me and Scarlett's family alone" Her face dropped as she stared up at me in shock, blinking so might I thought she had something in her eye. 

"F-Forever?" I leant down slightly. 

"Forever" I snarled, holding onto my mothers wrists tighter when she tried to pull them away and out of my grasp. Her breathing became heavy as she tried to rip herself away from me but I didn't budge, didn't loosen my grip. I needed her to understand I was dead serious. 

"Holden, let go of-"

"Agree to it" I cut her off again. She shook her head. 

"No Holden. You're my son. I won't-"

"We're family by blood, that's it" I leant down until my face neared hers. 

"Now fucking agree or I'll get my boss in on this" That made her pause. By the look on her face I knew she could tell I wasn't just threatening involving the head of the FBI for fun. I was dead serious and it was good she knew that too. The room was silent. I could feel Wyatt getting agitated by the way I spoke to and touched our Mum. He wanted to protect her from me. Both Mr Finch and My Dad were just staring, watching curiously. 

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