"I'm dealing with a hook here," Hook shot back.

Nevaeh let out a sigh as she opened the book for Hook. "Books shouldn't be destroyed, even a little."

A noise sounded from the door of the shop. Someone was trying to get in. Hurriedly, Belle scrambled down from the ladder and entered the shop.

"It's him," Belle realized. "It's Rumple." Pushing harder, Neal finally succeeded entering the shop. Then, he collapsed on the shop's floor. Belle crouched down beside him. "Neal? Neal?"


Henry was doing his homework. Grace sat next to him, also doing hers as she wanted to spend time with her friend.

Emma entered and called, "Henry." She placed a cocoa and a paper bag in front of him.

"Mom," Henry said. "Were you out all night? I never heard you come in."

"I was working. But I got you breakfast because I'm supermom. Some cocoa and sesame bagel."

Henry opened the bag and looked inside before asking, "That's a bagel?"

Grace nodded. "Yes. Why? What does a bagel look like in New York?"

"Not like that."

"Sorry, kid, we're not in Manhattan anymore." Emma prepared to leave.

"Are you going back out?"

"I got to, yeah. You remember Leroy, right? He's going fishing with some buddies today. You want to go? How about you, Grace?"

Grace shrugged. "Sure, I'll go."

Henry nodded. "Yeah, I'll go. Because I love fishing. Not, because I believe you."

"What?" Emma said.

"You know you're not fooling me, right? Something's up."

"I'm working a case. You know how I get focused."

"No, it's more than that. It's this town. All these old friends you've never mentioned and people whispering around me all the time. There's something that you're not telling me."

"It's a dirty business being a bail bonds person. I don't want to soil your sweet head."

"You're not getting off that easy. If you can't tell me the truth, then I wanna to go home. Back to New York." Emma's cell phone rang.

Emma said to Henry, "Sorry." She answered the call. "Hello. What? I'll be right there." Emma ended the call. "I got to go, Henry."

"Mom, really, what's going on?"

Emma sighed. "You got me, okay? Something is up. And it just got even more complicated. So, for now, can you just trust me that I'm doing what's best and I'll fill you in later?"

Henry nodded. "I trust you."

Emma gave Henry a smile. "Thanks, Henry. Love you." She left.


David, Matthew and Emma entered Neal's room. Hook, Nevaeh, Jefferson, who'd joined them, and Belle were present.

"Neal. You're here. What happened?" Emma asked.

"I... I don't know," Neal replied. "I remember seeing the yellow bug cross the town line and next thing I know, I'm running around a forest back in Storybrooke, where, apparently, has been a whole lot going on."

"Are you gonna tell him or shall I?" Hook questioned.

"Tell me what?"

"Neal, we think your dad's back," David told him.

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