Chapter 35 ~ Reunited

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I punch the bag in front of me. I have been going to the gym every day and letting out stress. It's been a year and six months since I have seen her, since I have touched her.

Now more than ever, I'm craving her. Today marks the day we kissed for the first time and I remember how blissful it was. Now I'm a miserable freak because the girl I love could be gone.

When I said I wasn't giving up, I really meant it- but now... now I'm starting to feel more and more empty by the day and nothing is helping.

My trainer helps me untie my gloves and I head to the locker room to shower and change. My hands run over my dampy hair once I step into the hot burning shower. I let the water hit my face as I close my eyes.

My head goes down and I look at my inked arm and I hold it to my chest. No Grey. Don't cry. I turn off the water when I'm done washing my hair and cleaning my body. I wrap a towel around my waist as I head into a stall to change.

I wave my coach goodbye as I do. It's the weekend so I don't have work. And I'm not all too worried about work because it's been the same thing for two years. My favorite little Kenna is better than ever and I can tell she is close to beating cancer.

I don't want to get my hopes up but her vitals are just so good and she is so strong throughout all this treatment.

I get in my car and head down to my home. I'm not looking forward to it either. It's always empty and I feel like even Dwight wants to leave.

I sigh as I unlock my door. I drop all my stuff near the door. I don't see Dwight by the couch like he normally is which makes me worry. "D?" I shout out hoping he is just hiding. '

He thankfully comes out of my room but he looks... happy? My grumpy cat is happy... that's odd.

I take my shoes on and pull a sweater on as I head to the kitchen for some water.

I hear a noise coming from my bedroom and I jolt. My hands grabbed a knife behind me, scared that someone broke in.

I swallow hard when the noise gets closer and closer to the doorway of my room.



It can't be.

My eyes meet with the hazel eyes that always make my heart flutter to where it rips out my chest. I feel myself drop the knife to the floor but that's my last concern, my other last concern being how she got in here.

I let out a gasp, her lips apart and she looked terrified. She doesn't look the same. She looks older, mature, her hair is darker and she got taller, thicker.

She takes a breath in as she looks at me. "Grey?" She whispers out and my eyes start stinging with tears. I have longed to hear those words come out of her mouth since the day she left.

"I'm dreaming..." I whisper as I look at her, hoping and praying that she is really here.

"No Grey... I'm here.. I'm here now... for you baby." She lets out a choked sob. I let my own tears fall but I can't get anything out when she speaks up. "I have been here for a couple days, I was nervous to see you. Scared of facing you after I hurt you."

My heart tightens. Yes, she did hurt me. But was I ever upset with her? No. I was upset and angry with her mother.

"Sweet girl-" I let out as I walked closer. She doesn't move back when my hand reaches up and cups her beautiful face.

"I love you Grey. I'm sorry I took so long. But I kept my promise... and I hope you will let me prove that to you for the rest of your life." I wipe under her eyes as she confesses to me which makes my heart stop.

Hearing those words really does a number on me because next thing I know, I lift her in the air and spin her around, no more sadness. I'm done with that. I then place her on the floor and cup her face kissing her as hard as I can.

She breaths in through her nose and I feel her smiling in the kiss. How I have missed this so much.

"I love you so much Pres. I was so miserable without you. I was never mad with you, I just waited for you. And I would have done that even if you came back when we were old and gray." I cry out. "You're my Personal Sunshine Pres, And I don't want to be in the dark again."

This time she grabs my face and kisses me with all she has, and we kiss so long it made up for all those missed months.

"I love you." She says when we fall to the couch. We both break out in laughs and I hover over her.

"I love you more sweet girl."

"I will never leave you." She whispers again.

"Good, cause I won't let you. I have built up more protection over the years, you're not leaving me." This gets her to laugh as hard as I do.

To the world, she is a huge grump who only cares about herself... but to me- she is my personal sunshine who lights up any room she walks into.

My sweet girl.

I kiss her forehead when we settle in and just embrace each other. "Grey?" I lift my head and nod.

"I want to tell you everything tonight. Is that okay?" I look in her eyes before I press my lips to hers.

"Of course it's okay." I kiss her again and lay my head on her chest. "Whenever you're ready sweet girl."

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