Chapter 22 ~ Taken

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When I realized how out of character I was being, I decided that I would use the bathroom while I was up. There was no way I was going to go up to the bartender and act all sweet and innocent just because he thought I was cute.

I wait in the long line that leads to the bathroom. I look back, seeing the girls in their own world, looking at something on Rory's phone. My glance goes to the bartender that isn't hard to miss. I see him also looking at me, that's when I avert my gaze and focus on the line.

Finally when it's my turn, I take my time, looking at myself in the mirror and washing my hands before I step out. The lady after me gives me a small shove as she makes her way to the bathroom. "Rude?" I whisper to myself and start making my way back to the girls.

The bathroom lines are blocking my way, so I have to go another way around which unfortunately goes straight to the bar.

I let out an annoyed sigh and keep my head fixed on the girls, not giving my attention to anyone who even looks my way.

I let out a sigh of relief when the girls were in my eye shot. But I'm pulled back by a hand grabbing onto my wrist. I jerk my hand back and turn to see the man at the bar, looking at me with a small smile.

"Hey." He says as if he didn't just grab me instead of walking up to me like a normal person. I get my wrist out of his hold. I don't like people touching me.

"Yes?" I made it known that I don't want to engage in a conversation with him. I turn to see the girls still in their own world, which makes me want to kick the guy while they are not looking.

The man doesn't step back though, instead, he takes a step forward, and because I'm stubborn, I don't move an inch as he towers over me.

"Why are you being so rude to a guy who has some interest in you?" I shake my head and look down, feeling laughter bubble up inside of me. Am I being rude? I'm sorry if I don't want someone to find me attractive.

I think back to Grey, now him... I wouldn't mind if he found me attractive. I think back to last night when he looked at me like he wanted to be there... wanted to take care of me.

I glare back at the man. "Look, I don't want to be nice, I just want to go sit back down at my table, with my friends, and pretend that this didn't happen. Good? Good." I turn to walk away from him but I yelp when I'm being yanked and dragged back.

His hand on my mouth. Why did I think that this was going to be a normal night? I struggle against him but he doesn't let his grip falter.

Next thing I know we are outside, through the backdoor, and I'm being shoved on a wall. I don't normally get scared, not at all. But I'm scared, so scared right now that I can no longer fight back.

His heavy body leans on mine to keep me in place against the wall. I keep my eyes closed, praying that someone would come back here and maybe call the cops. Even though calling the cops would then lead to me having to go to the station and being asked questions... therefore my mother would probably track me down. But it's better than this.

I shake my head at the thought. She won't find me. I won't let her. But I can't fight this man off when he pinning me in place with his body and I can't even move if I tried, and if I do try, his grip gets stronger.

"You don't want to be nice huh?" He makes me make eye contact with him, the once man I thought was decent looking, is now a monster in my eyes, an ugly monster on the inside.

I never thought in a million years that I would be in this situation. I guess no matter how much training you have, there will always be someone stronger than you.

I let my eyes glare at him. Even though I'm scared, I won't let that show. If he decided to end my life, I don't know how I would feel. Months ago, I would have thanked him, thanked him for doing this to me.

Months ago I was hoping that this would have happened to me when I willingly went into the alley the night Grey found me.


The man who is always on my mind, yet I didn't stop to think about him. He was the one who found me, and instead of hurting me, he gave me a home, opportunities. I never got to thank him.

My eyes start to tear up, but not being bartender guys nails are digging into me, but because my heart is aching.

I'm falling for Greyson Graham.

My heart starts pounding. Thinking of him is making me want to fight to escape this man who is holding me up. I want to use all my strength and fight, so I can run home to where Grey is and let him hold me like he has done before.

I don't want this man to end my life. Maybe I would have months ago. But not anymore. I want to live, I want to see if Grey might feel the same for me. I want to change for him.

But I might never get to if this man hurts me, he may not end my life... but he could make me suffer, and to me that's worse than death.

I feel a tear slip down my cheek as I close my eyes, letting my guard down. 

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