Chapter 17 ~ Beginning

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Me and Grey are minutes away from his parents house and I am one hundred percent a wreck. I did get some sleep last night, feeling safe in his arms was enough.

But now I'm meeting his family as his date to his sister's wedding and I'm nervous as heck.

Last night I let myself open up to him in a way I never did. I let him hold me after one of my episodes and he just sat there with me and listened to what I had to say. Which was nothing much but still.

It makes my heart feel all mushy when he smiles at me and whispers in my ear if I'm doing okay, and if he knows I'm not, he will pull me aside and ask me what he can do to make me comfortable.

It's a step. A step in the right direction.

With Grey here... I feel like I'm safe.

Grey parks his car near the curb in front of the most beautiful house I have ever seen. I swallow hard as I look at Grey and see him smiling. "Ready?" He asks and I just nod because I want to get this over with.

He gets out of the car first and then comes and helps me. When I go to the trunk to grab my bag, he stops me and tells me he will do it later, and with that we walk to the front porch.

Grey stops his hand when he is about to ring the doorbell and looks at me. "Pres. Breath. They are the best people ever and they won't judge you." His words of reassurance mean the most to me at times like this.

I nod my head and he rings the doorbell, standing next to me and waiting.

The door opens and a very beautiful lady gleams at us. I can only assume this is the famous Mrs. Graham the internet used to rave about as well as her husband. I can see that Grey is a spitting image of her.

"Oh my sweet baby!" She wraps her arms around him in a loving embrace. "Mama, I missed you." He kisses her cheek when she pulls away, I think my heart just melted.

Her eyes then shift to me. "Oh my! You're absolutely gorgeous." She looks at me and smiles. "Mrs. Graham, but please call me Fayette or Fay." I give a nod to her.

"It's nice to meet you Fayette..." I'm about to go off on a rant about how blessed I am to have met her son and all he has done for me, but I reframe and just smile.

"Well come in! No one is here yet so it gives you time to settle in without any pressure." Thank goodness.

Grey has his hand on the small of my back and leads me inside. He gestures for me to sit on the couch. "I'm going to go get the bags okay?" I just nod, telling him I'm okay here.

Fayette comes back moments later with water. "So dear, how was the trip?" Her voice is gentle and sweet.

"It was good. A breath of fresh air here." I smile.

"Oh I get that. When we moved here it was so clear. Even though when I moved from Paris to Seattle I felt the same, but this is where it's at." I smile.

"How long have you known Grey?" Her question sounds genuine and I can only assume she is trying to figure out how close we are.

"About a couple months." She nods. The back door slams which makes me jump a bit. A man that is taller than the door frame itself, stands in the middle of the kitchen looking around. When his eyes land on Fayette, he smiles.

Elias Graham himself.

My assumption is right when he comes over and lays a gentle kiss on her lips and cups her face. I want to throw up but... I can't because I would be lying if I said I didn't want this.

"Hello amor, why the slamming?" She offers her husband water and he gulps it down.

"I'm in the shed trying to get rid of some items so it's not so cluttered and I slammed my finger in the door." He tells her.

I sit back and smile.

"Oh sweetheart, I told you to leave it for a day where we don't have guests." She says half seriously. The man then turns to me, his face also matching his wife and smiles.

"You must be Presley." I nod and shake his hand. "My son raves about you all the time." I can't help but blush.

"Please, at this point I think it's an honor to meet you. And I'm surprised that Grey doesn't speak about you as other sons would if their dad played professional hockey." He chuckles loudly.

"My son knows how to hurt my ego, but that's him. He keeps me on the down low. Because I know how it feels to have a famous relative, people just want you for that reason." I nod as I listen.

"I'm no hockey fan, but when I heard about you, I started watching a few past games. When you were in college was your prime time." Why am I talking to him like he is family?

He smiles. "Well college was the best years of my life." He doesn't need to explain further when he looks at his wife.

The front door opens and Grey comes in and looks at me. "I got our bags... but I'm afraid that everybody is here."

I look behind him and see around 7 other people standing at the front door looking at me like they saw a ghost.

I just stick to a tight smile as I look around at them. This is going to be a very interesting night.

I look to Grey who gives me a look of encouragement, and that's all I need to know I will be able to get through this night in one piece.


All i can say is that... if you read from the very first book to now... be ready for all the memories to come back :)

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