We were never close, but I was popular enough that he knew me, and we would sometimes talk, but mostly just simple "hellos" as we passed eachother in the halls.

We have a few classes together, so I make a mental note to check on Zak as soon as I can.

We walk inside, and split up to go to our lockers. I grab everything I need and head to my first class.

The room is mostly full, and I'm one of the last people to the room. As I set my stuff down at my desk, the bell rings and we start class.

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After a few classes, I realize I have study hall next. Usually, this wouldn't mean anything, but today, I try to get to the library as fast as possible.

I share study hall with Zak.

When I get to the library, there are a few people already there, but no Zak in sight.

I'm not exactly worried, but I'm fidgety as I sit down at an open table.

As time goes by, more people shuffle into the room. No sign of Zak.

The bell rings, signaling the start of class, and everyone goes quiet, busying themselves with work. Still no Zak.

I've started to get worried at this point, but there's not much I can do in the middle of class. Solemnly, I pull out my laptop and start my work.

After a few minutes, a loud thump lands on the table I'm sitting at.

I look up to see Zak, pulling a chair back.

What my friends said earlier about him not looking too good was true. He has bags under his bloodshot eyes, messy hair, and baggy clothes. Just the act of sinking into his chair seems to tire him.

I smile, and all I get back is a slight nod. The boy collapses onto the table, resting his head on a stack of textbooks.

He doesn't close his eyes. Instead, he just stares ahead at the wall, zoning out of this world and into his own.

I know my whole plan was to talk to him, but I realize I don't know what to say.

I've never been the best at comforting people, and Zak barely knows me.

I continue to pretend to do my work, but I'm watching Zak out of the corner of my eye. He doesn't seem to notice, but then again, in his state, I doubt he would notice if I openly stared at him.

We sit like this for a while, Zak staring into space, and me pretending not to notice him.

He's struggling to keep his eyes open, but continues to look at the wall.

His eyes are getting glassy, and I notice tears streaking his face.

I can't take this anymore. Scrawling a note on a piece of black notebook paper, I pass the sheet over to the shorter boy.

I know we don't know eachother very well, but if you need a hug or anything, I'm right here. :)

Zak reads through the note, wiping tears from his eyes.

I sort of look back at my laptop, but am surprised to see Zak loudly push his chair back and stand up.

Several other students see him, and some gasp when he walks over to my side of the table and pulls me into a hug.

I don't pay attention to anyone else, only Zak.

I'm shocked by the sudden motion, but sink into his arms, wrapping my arms around him.

We stay like that for almost a minute before he pulls away.

I look into his eyes, and tell him it'll be ok, that I'm here for him.

Zak only nods, and I pull him into another hug.

He crumples in my arms, as if his energy was sucked out of him.

I can hear quiet sobs now, but he's not loud enough that others can hear his crying. Of course, they can see him crying, and are a mix of shocked, sad, and angry at Clay.

I hold Zak for a while before releasing him, and instead of going back to where he was sitting, he pulls his stuff to my side of the table and sits next to me.

We start to actually work for a bit after that, but near the end of class, Zak slips me a piece of folded notebook paper.

I read the note, a slight smile playing on my lips.

Thank you for that. I really needed it. Maybe we can become friends? If not that's fine, but here's my number.

I turn to smile at Zak, but he's already packed up and halfway out the door.

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1384 Words

*End of Chapter 2*

I think everyone should know this, but Cara is Puffy, and Vincent is a6d

Please vote if you liked this chapter :)

Remember to eat, drink water, and get sleep because you deserve it <3

Wish This Were Real // A Skephalo StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang