It's Never Over 💏

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      The news hit Savannah the hardest. None of us talked at home, no one called each other to make sure the other was okay. It was just...empty. When it time to work again though, we all put on our mask to get through the day. A deep pit in my stomach formed, something had to happen today. 

      "I know you," She said. I had to be the bigger person out of all of the club, and be the one to serve Éclair even if I wanted to break her nose. "You're the girl who had a favor in with the chairman of the school, right? Not being able to get a scholarship is unfortunate for you and your friends." "You do your research well. Would you like anything today, madam?" I got out from my clenched teeth. Leaning forward, she asked, "How much of Haruhi Fujioka's debt remains?" My eyes widened slightly with that. Was this bitch serious? She has to have some kind of plan up her sleeve, right? Clearing my throat, I went straight to Kyoya with her request and even he was surprised. He went to discuss it more with her, and not too long after...she requested to speak with Savannah.

      She released a breath, and forged her bright smile, "How are you today?" "My Tamaki seemed to have quite a soft spot for you. I could tell," Éclair stated. The phrase 'her Tamaki' struck a nerve with Savannah, flattering her smile a tiny bit. She responded to that, "I don't think that should be much of an issue with you. You both are....engaged as of now." "Oh, listen to you. Tamaki won't be coming today. I ordered him not to show his face again at the Host Club." This bitch was asking for a fight. While Savannah and her talked more, the rest of the club finally talked about yesterday and Tamaki's lack of appearance in the last hours. Hikaru's brows furrowed, "I don't believe the declaration his highness made yesterday." "That woman is treating him like decoration, I know it," I pondered out loud. Dayna joined me, "Especially since they only just met. She has to be manipulating him somehow." We all looked dejected when thinking of what the future might hold. Kyoya soon broke this all up, "Come on, no more idle chatter. Our guests are waiting." No matter Kyoya said it, he was right. We had a job to do right now, so we had to finish it. 

      While the rest of them separated, I stood by Kyoya as I saw his dad walk towards him. Neither of them looked at each other as he stopped behind Kyoya. "When you're young," He started. "You may be under the illusion that there is all the time in the world, but in reality, that is not so. Don't go wasting your time in things that are of no value!" "How dare you," I muttered. They both looked over to me as I stared down his father. My eyes pierced into his, "How. Fucking. Dare you. I may have no power in your class ranking, but I still have my word. You are no man, simply a boy for even thinking of speaking to your own child like that. I'm surprised of how successful you are, if your partners even heard the way you spoke they would think twice even picking up on your calls. Kyoya is outstanding in the activities he chooses to put his time into. Much more outstanding then anything you've achieved in the last 40 years, you old bag." Kyoya showed the most shock, eyes widened at me as my eyes kept at his father. His heart began to...flutter? The father on the other hand simply kept walking. Turning to Kyoya, I fixed his tie, "I meant every word I said, and more. I 'll never stop caring, even if I tried." I left him standing there, going back to serve.

      Dayna walked next to me, "That was out of character for you." "Don't worry, I feel like puke out my liver after that whole thing. Someone had to set that old man straight." She shrugged at that, and changed the subject, "They actually hung up some of my paintings in the hall. Now I have to give this whole presentation, and so...can you hide me?" I looked to her and smirked, "Sucks to be you!~" Dayna was definitely going to smother me in my sleep after this. Since I wasn't able to hide her, she was then dragged out with a large crowd to the hall where they examined her artwork. She didn't say a single word and her whole body shook seeing everyone whisper to each other as they gazed upon her art. "Dayna," A woman called to her. She jumped a bit, forcing herself to walk back to the center of the crowd. "I must ask, what is your inspiration for these pieces?" Another man asked her. There was no way out of this, so she just had to speak from the heart...which is the hardest thing for her to do with literally anyone. She started to explain, "I take from my life. All of my art can be reflected by how my day was to just a certain person I hang out with. For these pieces, I focused more on two guys. Even if they drive me crazy, they help me try new things I don't like and branch out into areas I've never even think of looking at." Everyone applauded her while she wanted to die even more than usual, but it didn't there as she didn't know that the twins had snuck their way into the crowd to hear that. Once she witnessed their surprised faces and blushing bright pink, she felt her legs start to give out. Before she said anything though, they both hugged her and pushed her to talk more about her art.

Ouran High school Host Club: New MembersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora