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      This...is Ouran Academy. How we go into this school? I'll keep that to myself for now. Why did I say we? Well, there are 3 of us that got into this very rich school, even though we're known as commoners. There was me, my name is Rose, and my two friends Savannah and Dayna. There is such good luck for us to get into good classes at the beginning of the year. Too bad we're not in the same class though. The classes were alright, the same as all my other classes of course. The day was awkward, but normal, then I overheard of something very...new to me. The Host Club. All the girls were screaming and raving about it when class ended, claiming different people of being their favorite. Curiosity indeed kills the cat, I hope that doesn't happen this time.

      "Where are you taking me again?" "If I heard about it, you have to as well. These rich people are weirder than I thought." It was after class and I've gotten so tired about hearing so much about this host club that I'm actually going to go and find out what the hell it actually is. Since I feel like if I went alone I might get swallowed up by some kind of weird sex thing, so I brought over the next person who could probably handle this more than me....Savannah! We finally reached the 3rd music room, and before either of us thought about opening the damn door it seemed like a whole herd of girls came rushing to the room. With all of them practically running into the room, we got dragged into the room as well. The walls and pillars were light pink complimented by the blue of the sky you can easily gaze at out the windows. Multiple tables were set up with either chairs or couches, deep red colored cushions. 

            Finally, there were...the group of guys. Everything was still a little fast, so the only one I focused on was a blonde one flashing his smile at all the girls sitting with him. I guess Savannah found him as well since I felt her grip my arm with so much power, and drag me to sit with that group. I could practically see the heart in her eyes looking at that guy....and a bit of drool, gross. "Um, Tamaki," one of the girls said. "What's your favorite song?" So that's what his name was. He responded smooth, "What song? The one that reminds me of you, of course." Wow...original work. His eyes drifted to us, giving us his award winning smile with his hand holding two roses, "It seems we have 2 new guest to the host club. Welcome, my princesses, your beauty shines ever so brightly~" All their faces went red with that, and they went crazy....Savannah is included with them as well. She took her rose, but I just cringed away slightly from it. "Oh Tamaki~" Savannah sighed. I sighed and thought to myself, "This is too pathetic....even for me."

      While I was thinking this, in the corner of my eye I saw someone walk by the group. He had dark hair and glasses, and when he pushed them up just so slightly....god that hot. "Shit.." I breathed out and adjusted myself in my sitting position. Savannah must have saw me at the right time, since she was giving me the most 'I told you so' smirk I've ever seen from her. Rolling my eyes, Tamaki spoke up again and got our attentions, "Thanks for doing the shopping, little piglet. Did you get everything on our list?" Piglet? In walked a very tired looking guy wearing a brown sweater over a white button up and glasses, holding a brown bag filled with stuff. He looked as confused as me while bringing over the bag. Tamaki brought out a small jar of coffee, "Hey, wait a minute, what is this?" "Just what it looks like. It's coffee."

      "Hey, I love that brand. Everytime I make it for this one over here, it smells so good honestly," I smiled at him and pointed to Savannah. He looked surprised, deciding what to say in that moment, "Y-Yeah, they were having a sale, so...you know." "Oh, we should get a few cases if they're having a sale," Savannah turned to me. Tamaki finally spoke up, "Is this the kind that's already ground?" He can't be serious right, can he? The guy told him that it was instant coffee and all the girls looked like lost puppies, or that he was speaking ancient Greek. "Whoa, I've heard of this before. It's commoner's coffee! You just add hot water," Tamaki's eyes went wide. I might just punch someone from all this, honestly. Leaning slightly to Savannah, I whispered, "One more thing and I'm punching him out, I swear to everything." "Don't you dare."

Ouran High school Host Club: New MembersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora