Sleepless Kyoya Chronicles 🛏

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      It was the weekend, and...well, I wanted to indulge myself a bit. I was feeling in the mood to cook a bit more than what I usually do, and at the perfect time the store was having an expo of some many new foods and things I haven't even seen before. I did ask Savannah and Dayna if they wanted to come with me, but they refused to stay and watch some TV. I don't blame them, after the whole 'refreshing' thing and whatever, I think we have to stay in one place for a while for our sanity sake. I still felt like going, so I went off alone, and it totally wasn't because I wanted to insert one person in the story again to make it easier on myself. Why would you think like that?

      Anyway, I finally found a parking space close enough to the building and headed inside. The place was decked out like crazy with all kinds of new stuff, but don't get me started with all the people. I can handle crowds just as much as the next guy, but it's just how close together they are that bother me. I like my personal space, so don't go breathing up my air! Starting to walk through, I already put some food items in my bag that look good. Aside from food, I also saw a lot of antiques on sale. I was so tempted to buy some, but I don't want to fill up the house too much. Before I walked off to another shelf, I caught a group of guys that were very familiar to me. It was the club, and....was Kyoya asleep? It looked like it, slumped over Tamaki's back and snoring away on his shoulder. After a bit of freaking out over the events and other things they have going on here, Kyoya fell onto the nearest bench to sleep there. Dragging someone along with them as that someone is either indifferent or reluctant to go somewhere? Tamaki and Sav were perfect for each other. I waited for a bit before walking up to him, and when he soon woke up...he scared a child away. 

      "Victim to Tamaki's nature again, senpai?" I questioned. He turned to me, slight bags under his eyes and looking annoyed. He sort of lessened when he saw me, "Oh, hello Rose." He studied me for a moment before clearing his throat, "Yes, and Tamaki is dead when I find him." "I can't wait to see that~" Looking over his shoulder, I saw Haruhi walk up to us, "Kyoya? Rose?" I waved to her, "Hey!" Kyoya looked over the both of us in silence, then asked, "How much money do you both have?" ...What? He explained how he didn't his wallet on him or his phone, and being mixed with the fact that he hadn't eaten anything, he needed our help. Haruhi had a lower than decent amount and I put myself on a budget knowing I would go bankrupt here, so combined it was a fair size. Hearing this, we walked until we found a simple fast food joint in the food court. I guess it was one of the few choices he had to pick from, but I never thought of the day to see him eat greasy fast food.

      "Kyoya, are you sure you're okay with eating here?" Haruhi asked him. "There is a restaurant upstairs, as well." "You both don't have very much, so we have little choices. Oh, make sure to get a receipt. I'm going to make Tamaki pay the both of you back tenfold later." Wow, that was hot....don't look at me like that, I have issues!! Of course, it was glaring obvious that since he didn't get much sleep, he was much more blunt and mean compared to seeing him in the club. It, but it can also mean that maybe he would not say what he completely means...or say something he's been lying about. Bursting my thought bubble, Kyoya looked to me, "Rose, how do you place an order here?" "Oh! I can order for all of us. Just tell me what you would like." Kyoya didn't really what is was, just make it a lot, and Haruhi choose a simple burger and fries meal. The cashier was about to say something, but made a quick U-turn in her attitude once seeing Kyoya. She put on this bright smile and talking in a very light tone, "Can I recommend our new dessert, as well?" "I don't need anything sweet, thank you." Even as he spoke in a uncaring and low tone, the cashier still packed it on with offers and smiles. I could feel amount of annoyance on shoulders coming from Kyoya and it was packing on in seconds as she kept talking. Looking over to Haruhi, she felt that same thing as well, having a more miserable look on her face. Kyoya had enough of it and simply glared at her. Feeling like I wanted to kill myself then and there, I shifted to look at Haruhi and Kyoya, "How about you two find a table and I bring the food? And please, try to have some polite aura until I get back, senpai." They did as I say, walking off as I apologized to the cashier before waiting for the food.

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