A Scary Face With A Heart Of Gold 👹💛

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      Another day, another....actually, today felt different. I didn't have a small migraine in the back of my head thinking of dealing with the twins and Tamaki when the club was going to open, because of some certain news I got from some students yesterday. Today I just felt lighter because of it, and nothing could bring me back down. I walked into the club room with everyone's costumes in hands, today's theme was The Edo Era. As always, the three of use who served had our special made uniforms for the day. This one was a light blue to white gradient kimono, along with red accessories and a bow in the back. "Afternoon guys," I smiled at them as I walked in. Tamaki was the first to notice my drastic mood change from slightly tired and nonchalant to smiley and cheerful. The twins were quickly second to notice while the rest of the guys fell into place. Dayna and Savannah were aware the moment I woke up before them without looking the least bit tired or grumpy. Something had to be up.

      "You're hair looks great today, Haruhi," I complimented her. She was surprised, but took it anyway before I hurried over to prepare the food and drinks. Savannah pulled everyone into a group huddle, "Alright, so did anyone get hurt or die or something like?" "Why would you think that?" The twins looked confused. Dayna pointed it out to them, the main reason why I can be this happy is because someone I don't like gets hurt or one of my TV shows / Movies are getting another installment. "We all like most of the same stuff when it comes to movies, so we're all update on that stuff. Nothing is happening there, so someone must have gotten hurt," Dayna concluded. They heard me walking back towards them, quickly dispersing from each other. Kyoya took this opportunity to see what this 'new me' really felt like, "Afternoon Rose." "Good Afternoon, Senpai. Is it me or does today seem brighter?" He smiled gently at me, "From what I can see, it certainly both. You are absolutely glowing today." "Really? I guess I have more alert and awake today." We both laughed, getting comfortable with each other quickly. "Oh," I remembered. "I have to go check on personal things before we open, so this very charming conversation will have to wait a while. Until then..." Before walking off, I kissed his cheek and pushed up his glasses, "Don't stop thinking about me." As I walked away, he looked at my walking figure with a shocked expression. He knew that I had many sides to see, but this was something he's never seen in me before. No angle, no incentive, just...happy. Thinking of that, light pink flew across his face, making him hide his face more in his book trying to regain his composure.

        The club soon fully furnished for the theme and opened like no other. Each of us picking a group to serve first before rotating; Dayna picked Tamaki just to get it over with, I picked the twins since I had a much higher tolerance level today, and Savannah picked Honey and Mori. "Tamaki-kun, you're dressed as Sakamoto Ryoma, right? Wild and handsome!" "Yeah. I'm gonna make sure I get your hearts, too." Dayna rolled her eyes, trying not to vomit in her mouth, as she filled the tea kettle with fresh tea. Haruhi started to think out loud, "I didn't know that late-Edo era cosplay would be this popular." The twins had to bud into her thoughts, expecting her to know that this is one of the basics that these girls go for. Coming over, I agreed with them, "Twins are right, Haruhi. Some of the girls love the history as well, while others just care about a badass samurai fighting to protect them." Honey eventually came over to elaborate further with Savannah not too far behind. "Perhaps the reason for their popularity was their gallantry in giving their young lives for the sake of the country, in their single-mindedness to live the bushido code, and in the stoic way in which they comported themselves," A very familiar female voice articulated. 

      It was Renge, dressed to match the theme as usual. "Or perhaps..." She continued. "...they detect the scent of something forbidden, coming from this gymnasium-type group of young men." On my way to go to Tamaki's group, I stopped by Renge to smile, "I love the outfit, matches your eyes." That threw her off greatly, looking to everyone else to see if they had an answer to whatever was wrong with me. When they didn't give her a straight answer, she just cleared her throat and went on like nothing happened. She went over the basic history of what people the members were based off of, shoving a lot of information in such small time. Kyoya followed up on this, writing in his book, "Following your advice to not have us case ourselves in any specific role, saying it would be better to leave it up to our guests to freely fantasize for themselves, was the right idea." Renge reviled in that, her smile growing in smugness. I rolled my eyes, and Kyoya caught my look before going over to dip me. "Just because I pay others a simple compliment doesn't mean I've forgotten about you, mistress?~" "Like you could ever try and forget me~" Yet again, the customers got sight of our act and freaked out, wishing to be me so bad. I'm surprised no one has tried to hurt me in this position yet....let's not jinx it. 

Ouran High school Host Club: New MembersNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ