A Very KILLER Halloween 🎃🍬

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      October blew in like no other. The bright orange and reds of the leaves, the breeze hitting your face when you walk outside, and the most important things of them all....HALLOWEEN!! My favorite holiday next to Christmas and my birthday, the time of year where the scariest attractions are held all around the world! Halloween isn't just about scary for some, it's also candy and somewhat slutty costumes. Oh Halloween, how I love this day~

      The group actually just learned of a 'tradition' here at Ouran when it came to Halloween. While our fall exams are being graded, we can take off until the last day of October as well as hold costume parties on campus for the occasion. It doesn't stop there, each class has a whole day to host their own event. You see, Sav and Dayna heard this from their class while I found out from Nekozawa when going in from my next lesson. He seemed really excited for this day to come, and wanted to have something planned for it. It seems we both had the same idea in mind~

      The host club was open for business and the room was made perfect for the occasion. Dayna and Sav were getting all the special made snacks and teas ready while also wondering where I was at the moment, since it seems like I was a little late. Each member had their own version of vampire costumes, which is so corny if you ask me, while we decided on our own. Dayna was a zombie witch, having a bit of help with some face paint and special effects. Savannah was actually dressed as Dracula's Bride. She was going to be something to match Dayna and I, but Tamaki pulled her aside to give her the bride costume. Said no words, just gave it to her with a dark blush and shaking hands. 

      "Where the hell is Rose?" Dayna asked Savannah. She shrugged her shoulders, picking up her tray to begin treating the girls. That's when the twins walked in carrying Haruhi, smiling and greeting the club. "You guys are late," Tamaki pouted as he looked over to them. "Hurry up and get changed. Also find Rose, she disappeared somewhere." "Oh, from now until Halloween day, we're skipping club activities. By your leave," The twins announced. Haruhi just stood and let them talk while the rest of the club were surprised. Dayna questioned out loud, "You guys have that class event thing for Halloween, don't you?" "Such a genius as you are beautiful, Dayna~" They teased her. It wasn't long when they tried to leave with Haruhi in hand, but Tamaki objected very fast. Sav walked up to him, "Don't you remember, Senpai? They're all in the same class." He started to look even paler and swaying a bit to the point where he might faint, Sav had to go and hold him up slightly. He forbid it greatly, not wanting Haruhi to be alone with those twins at night, but nothing worked as they walked off without him.

      Then, a deep laughter was heard from one of the sides of the room. It was inside one of the coffins, opening to soon reveal it was Nekozawa and his doll Belzenef. "When did you...?" "I just heard something quite interesting. Is that right? You think it would be fun, too, Belzenef?" Another laugh was heard behind Tamaki, and this one was mine. I was back to back with Tamaki, smiling evily over his shoulder, "If it's unfathomable terror they're after, those of us in the Black Magic Club will have to do our part, as well.~" We both laughed again, making Tamaki shivered even more in fear, whimpering a bit as well. "Halloween is simply pointless without some terror, right Tamaki?~" 

      "Rose, can you stop scaring Senpai please?" Savannah pulled me aside. I scoffed, "Why? That's Halloween for you! The costumes, the masks, the stories, and the best part of it..." Looking over to Honey, his eyes widened with glee when he figured out what I was saying. "The candy!!" We both squealed with glee. After our little moment of our love for candy, I explained the bar minimum of what I wanted them to hear. The most I told them is to be here later tonight to start planning with Neko. 

      "Hey," I walked over to Kyoya. He was writing on his clipboard, very focused until he looked up at me. His expression went from calculating to ice melting when seeing me, "Hello Rose." "I know this Halloween thing isn't really your style, but would you like to join us anyway? It would be quite a show to witness, especially the ending." He started to think about it, meanwhile I stared at him a little too long to start fiddling with my sleeve. Looking at him, I started to notice the little things; how he kept his glasses down more when he writes, the way his eyes shift while looking at me, and even just the difference of his stance around me. It's always tall and rigid, commanding authority, but now it was calmer and more...nervous? My thoughts were broken when he started chuckle at me. "You were saying something?" I smiled awkwardly. He shook his head and kept chuckling. Was he laughing at me? My smile dropped a bit thinking that, and he saw this entirely. "You look cute expressing your interest in Halloween. I wouldn't miss your big plan in the world, Rose." "Oh! T-Thank you, Senpai! And you look hot...I mean, wait! I-I didn't mean that." There are so many things wrong with me, and this was one of them. I can't flirt worth a damn and stutter my way through life. I'm sure he was as annoyed by that as I was, but in his mind he found it really cute. So cute that he never wanted me to stop.

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