Tired Of The Beach Apologies 🍹

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      Ever since the incident of the resort, I haven't even turned to Kyoya's direction. Honestly, it was a lot more peaceful for me in the short run. I don't care THAT much about how I talk or act, and when I trip over myself...it's like the stress is melted away instantly. There's still a little ping in my heart when I think back to that day.....but let's not think about it!

      Before the club was even open, the twins came up with all of us going to the beach. "But why?" Haruhi asked as she looked up from a book. "You said so before, didn't you?" "You wouldn't mind going to a real beach," The twins answered her. They even brought out tons of swimsuits to show off as well, picking one out specifically for Haruhi. "I think," Honey came over with a mannequin in his hands. "...that this would look good on Haru-chan." The twins clicked their teeth at him, shaking their heads in slight amusement. "You don't get it, huh, Honey-senpai? The uniform helps gloss over that she's as flat as a cutting board. A one piece type suit like that would only invite tears, by making it obvious how utterly poor her figure is," They explained. Haruhi looked offended at that, rolling her eyes. Savannah patted her on the shoulder, "I think she looks perfect the way she is." "Well, she is flat," I said quietly. Dayna chuckled, "At least she doesn't have to deal with back pains as much as you do." "My back pains are due to posture, you furry."

      "On that point," the twins continued. "We carefully selected this separated type suit. The frills do a fine job of covering the absence of any bust! Even Rose can wear it'll look the same...mostly." I huffed, "Not my fault I grew like this! You acting like I control this shit!" Tamaki ran in, "How dare you guys heap sexual harassment on my little girl! That's enough of that!" Out of annoyance and slightly fear, they went behind Haruhi. Hikaru asked, "Then, we aren't going to the beach?" "Whoever said we weren't going?" So it was decided, time for the beach. 

      "Before we head out," the twins popped up. They went over to the hoard of standees and grabbed one, "We also picked out a suit for you three. I'm sure Dayna would look very dashing in it." She blushed as we all looked at the choice they had. Looking them in the eye, I took a deep breath, "No. Way." It was a white swimsuit with a wrap around skirt that was a light blue. Sav smiled at it, "I have a very similar one I wore a few times. I think it's cute." I rolled my eyes and started to walk away. Tamaki raised his finger, "You work for us, but if you all can't agree on a uniform..." Dayna released a big breath and grabbed Sav's hand to drag her up to me. She looked at me, "Wear the swimsuit." "What?!" Dayna stared into my eyes, "We've done a lot for you when it came to Kyoya, but just bare with this for me and Savannah. Please?" They both started begging and begging me, just saying 'please' over and over. I covered their mouths, "Fine. Just this once I'll do this for you two." Savannah licked my hand, making me jump back in revolt and disgust. She smiled along with Dayna, "Yay!! Let's go to the beach!"  

      "So, why Okinawa?" The twins asked confused. Apparently Kyoya's family owns a private beach that we can use for the time being, how so surprising. Kaoru brought up a good point on why not go to an actual beach, they do have the money after all to spare for multiple trips to and from places. "Do you think those 4 commoners have a passport?" Kyoya pointed us out. They hummed as they shook their heads, but I didn't say a word. I felt Kyoya's eyes go over to me multiple times, but I didn't - I couldn't - give into the feeling of looking back. He doesn't care, why the hell would he?

      Just because we went to the beach doesn't mean that business was over. We did have a whole relaxing, somewhat, day at that resort last time, so this did make sense to still have the club open for money reasons. Dayna, Savannah, and I still served drinks to the girls who weren't either with the guys or swimming. Speaking of the guys, the twins were playing Volleyball with some of the girls. "Hey Dayna," Hikaru yelled for her. She turned towards them, seeing the both of them waving her over to join them. Her brain went haywire, but with a little push from Savannah, she was out there trying to keep up. She went over to give Mori a drink he ordered for both him and Honey, and that left me. Tamaki also ordered a drink, so I was walking to one of the table. At the same time, both twins was getting the ball they were playing with. "Who'd have thought he'd bring guests with us?" Kaoru smirked to himself. Hikaru joined him, "We really didn't figure on that." "I invited the club members along for free, so be sure to perform your services," Kyoya keep his sight on his book, legs crossed. I stopped for a bit to listen to the rest of the conversation, "But with guests here..." "...Haruhi won't be able to wear her swimsuit." They were really bummed about that, weren't they. "Don't worry," Tamaki laid back on his chair relaxing. "Everything has been taken into account. Did you think that I would let my dear little girl in her swimsuit be exposed to your eyes?" I finally walked up with his drink on my tray, leaning down a bit to let him grab it. He looked up at him before I walked off, "Rose...how was your day? Feeling better?" I stopped, and thought on how to respond. Turning around, I smiled, "Everything is fine." In Kyoya's mind, he knew that I was lying about it all.

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