Gay Panic 2: Electric Boogaloo 🌈

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      It was shopping day, and Dayna came back with bags of stuff in her arms. "For fuck sake Dayna, I said get SOME snacks," I observed the amount of junk in front of me. She looked up at me confused, "This is some." "This is you holding back, isn't it?" Sav questioned her as we started to put everything away. Dayna nodded, and I sighed deeply. Savannah and I can't really say anything about it, but I guess it was guess habit. Nothing was really happening today as I would know. The usual morning routine, shopping for the house, and now relaxing and doing our own thing. Not a single thing from the guys, no 'convenient' run in's with them, or some stupid ass plans. Perhaps, at long last this was the day we can-

      My phone started to ring before I could even finish that thought. Taking it out and looking at the name, an instant headache started to form right between my eyebrows. Dayna saw my expression and tone change in a snap, and knew what it meant. "I'm so tempted to let it ring." "You know they're just just gonna keep calling until you answer," Dayna rebutted. She was right, so I basically had no choice. Putting it on speaker, I said, "What do you guys want?" "We need your help with a plan! You're the only one who can do this," Hikaru told me. Massaging my temples, I sighed," I thought I told Kyoya to stop you guys from calling me like this. Maybe he lets you do it just to torture me a bit..." "Those crazy ladies at Lobelia kidnapped Haruhi! This isn't a joking matter," Kaoru damn near shouted at me. My eyes went up to Sav and Dayna while they shouted, not looking very happy or convinced. Sav was ready to start laughing at me while Dayna looked somewhat sorry for me. My eyebrow raised, "Like how you guys kidnapped us to look for Haruhi when you thought she disappeared? Or when you kidnapped us to go to that resort?" "This time is different!" I started to hang up, but from my silence the twins knew what I was doing. "You can have one of our jets for 2 weeks," Hikaru stated. "Deal," I hung up and stretched. They can handle putting up the rest of the stuff on their own, so I went to go put some clothes on. "I'll be back. Gotta save Haruhi, I guess. These are the craziest lesbians I've seen in a while," I mumbled to myself as I closed the door behind me. I couldn't have the day to myself, that's the price to pay I suppose.

      Driving to the school, getting closer and closer, I started to feel a nervous pit in my stomach. Those women are as annoying as the Host Club, sharing qualities with each other and denying it at the same time, but they do have that charm to them. Finding me attractive, too?! They must be fucking blind. When I got there, walking into the building, I asked the nearest student there to point to the direction of where Benibara was. Turns out she worked in the club as some kind of security guard and manager of the crowd, so I got lucky quick. She led me to a giant pair of doors, and pushing it open showed me Haruhi being suffocated by the three women in a hug. If I turn back now, maybe I can have some lunch, but then I won't get the jet...that jet better have good service. "Um, hello?" I called out and slowly walked in. That caught their attentions, turning to me quickly. "Hello again, fair maiden~" Beni smiled softly. 

      She paraded towards me, taking my hand in hers and kissing it gently while bowing. "Like an angel descending from heaven and into my life, your beauty proudly blinds me as I gaze upon you~" She pulled me close. I've never been so gay in my life before, I swear. Lady Suzuran came up behind Beni with a slight smirk on her face, as well as Lady Hinagaku. "What is a flower like you doing here on an hour like this?" They both said. Try to steady the shaking to speak, Rose. For fuck sake, stop being gay for 5 minutes! "I-I...wanted, switch schools," I uttered. While the club wore expressions of great happiness, I saw Haruhi look confused and somewhat surprised. "How wonderful! You finally let that dimwitted Host Club behind!" "Yeah, treating you like some kind of servant when you should be served like a queen." They all had comments close to that wording. Then, it hit Beni, an idea of what my first experience at the school should be. She gently held my hand, tugging me lightly to fall into her arms so she could get her other arm around me. "Oh maiden, would you honor me with a request?~" "Um...S-Sure." "Please be a part of our play, as my love. You both may play my loves," She looked over to Haruhi, as did I. The club went over to find my size in the uniforms they had, and while they were away I walked over to Haruhi. "The guys sent you over?" "The only reason I would say that, yes. I'm doing this for the jet mostly, so get ready for a vacation~" 

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