rodeo and hot n' heavy

Start from the beginning

She looks down not wanting to look me in the eye as she gives me the pen and paper «mom when do we haft to leave?» I ask wile I'm signing, no idea what its for but sure its important.

Still looking down she says «mm soon so you two gotta start getting ready now.» she quickly gives me a weak smile before she walks out.

Rolling back on top of Sean I grind down at him «now shall we continue?» batting my eyelashes innocently making him laugh.

«You heard your mom we haft to get ready but we could take a shower together. You know, so I could help you with your problem» he smirks at me wile his hands rest on my booty

Confused I ask «what problem?»

He smirks «you're wet, really wet I can feel it» that made me blush.

Standing up he carries me bridal style to the shower where we got it on hard just like last night.


We walk hand in hand all touchy feely down to the parking lot where the others are waiting. Our bags are begin brought down by the hotel people.

When Frankie sees me he raises an eyebrow at the funny way I'm walking. Nothing else to expect than walk funny after a night and morning like I've had. Damn I forgot how good the sex with Sean is.

Joking Around both of us is all smiley and cant keep our hands of one another. So much so that we get a car for ourself as no one wants to drive with us afraid we might get it on, on the way over there.


At the airport me and Sean stay back in the car wile the others are loading the Private Jet thats going to take us to NYC. And by staying back in the car I mean he straddling Sean and having our tongues down the others troth.

Pulling away I breath heavily as we press our foreheads together. «We are gonna make it trough this tour right?» I ask

He looks a little unsure and taken back but nods «yeah I think so. I think we can do it»

«Me too»


After more kissing filled with yet another tearful goodbye I board the yet with the others. Sitting in the middle of the yet I lay back to relax playing on my phone as we take off.

Normally I cry a river every time me and Sean haft to leave one another but today I haven't cried as much as I usually do. I don't know I'm sure its nothing but I cant help but be happy to leave, only for the reason I get to go see Justin and I have no idea why I feel so happy about that.

- Sean's POV -

Getting back to the hotel I hang with Zeno talking about work stuff but I get lost in troughs about Ariana.

«Ey man whats going on? You seem blank» Zeno says wile leaning back on the couch clearly taking a break from work to talk about my problems.

«I don't know man, but something seems off. I mean me and Ariana had amazing sex last night oh my god it was some of the best we have had. But at first she didn't want to and she says its because of the whole pregnancy scare but I cant help but feel there is another reason behind it» I put my head in my hands

«Another reason as in Justin»

I shot back up «yes exactly! And I just... Justin likes Ariana. I think he might be falling for her. But Ariana seems like she is too blind to see it and its just. She never bring him up to me and I just cant help but feel that he wants to take her away from me and that she is letting him do it. Its hard man»

«I know what you mean man. But you just gotta fight for what you want or let her go. Cant be playing with her feelings or you're feelings too for that matter. You just gotta figure out whats best to do, for her sake and for yours. She is a young girl she isn't gonna want to do this uncertainty thing for much longer. She want stability and constant love man. And right now it seems like if you don't do something soon Justin is going to get one up on you and win this. Win her»


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Twitter: Christinaasland

Instagram: thetvdgirl Christinaasland (link can be found in my bio at twitter)

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-Xoxo Christina

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