Chapter 8

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Myraura P.O.V

I gave birth to our little girl 3 years ago, she was born on September 28, 1997. Her name is Shayleigh Frigga Adite Rosales. Frigga is my mother's and Adite is Eugene's mother. We have not yet found the culprit who brainwashed Loki, but we do know that he belongs to an organization called Phantom Assembly. We are still searching. But we now have a few days of rest because Loki and I have to take care of a baby. Yes, Loki kept the baby he found. She has also already been given a name, Nimmis Frigga Tiaris Lokidöttir. Leanna immediately fell in love with the little girl. 2 years ago, Opehlia gave birth to a girl named Thena Frigga Ephine Thordöttir on January 13, 1998. A few months later, Leanna also gave birth to a girl named Hela Frigga Tiaris Lokidöttir on May 23, 1998. Last year I gave birth to a boy, Ydes Odin Emir Rosales on August 25, 1999. And this year again Leanna gave birth to a girl named Dahlia Frigga Tiaris Lokidöttir born on March 11, 2000, and also this year Opehlia gave birth to a girl named Torunn Frigga Ephine Thordöttir on October 28, 2000.

~a few years later~

It's been a few years now. Shayleigh is now 5 years old and Ydes is 3 years old. Things haven't been going well between me and Eugene for a while. I don't know what's going on. He often avoids me, doesn't give the kids hugs anymore. The children have more and more bruises. According to Eugene, this is because they play a lot with each other and sometimes a bit wild with each other. That doesn't seem to me to be the truth, as I know neither of them are like that. I know my children better than Eugene, as I see them more often and they are with me more often. Eugene is often gone, too, and I really don't know where he's gone.' Right now I sit downstairs watching TV with Shayleigh. Eugene is gone as usual and Ydes is playing in the playroom. Eugene comes in at one point. "Where have you been?" I look at him. He ignores me and walks past us to his study. I leave Shayleigh alone to watch TV and walk to my husband's study. "What's wrong with you? " Eugene suddenly stands up and hands me papers. "I want to leave you." I look at him surprised. "Where did this suddenly come from?!" I look at him questioningly. "I've been told that Molly is pregnant and I want to start a family with her." I feel myself getting angry. "So you want to tell me you're cheating?! What about our family?!" Eugene looks at me seriously. "I was never in love with you. I just used you." I'm getting angrier. "What do you mean used?!" He shrugs. "When the rumors circulated that Cinder and Nyx could not have children, they came to my parents. They were friends. So they wanted me to become king of Nuaria. Until someone told them about the Dark Lynx, and they seized the opportunity. They had promised my parents that the child they were going to have would not become the next king or queen. But apparently when they chose you, they had different thoughts." Suddenly, a wall of water and ice stands between us. Eugene and I look at each other in shock and then look at the door, which apparently was open. "Shay?!" I say in surprise, looking at the little girl standing angrily in the doorway. She has tears running down her cheeks. She walks over to me and gives me a hug. Eugene looks at us. "Shayleigh, this is something between mom and dad." He says, and I notice Shayleigh cowering. "Eugene, be honest with me. Why is Shayleigh afraid of you?" Eugene shrugs. "I won't know." Suddenly a guard comes in. "That's because Eugene is always hitting Shayleigh and Ydes." She says. I look at Eugene angrily. "Is that so?!" Eugene nods. "That's right. I hate the kids, just like I hate you. But you insisted on having kids, not me!" I feel tears falling down my cheeks. "Carolina, take Shayleigh for me." Carolina nods and walks off with Shayleigh. "You're going to pay for this!" I say angrily. I use my powers and fire some powerful energy beams at him, which I learned from Loki. He falls to the ground, injured. "Guards." I say normally. I have some guards connected to me who can hear me even though I speak normally, and there are 10 walls between them. Not much later, I see my guards approaching. They all look surprised at Eugene. "Guardians, take this traitor to Fanya. Then he can go back to his beloved." I see that the guards know more than I do. "And then come to the throne room. I need to talk to you guys about something." I see them nod, grab Eugene off the floor, and then walk away.

I then walk to the children's playroom, where I see Carolina sitting with Shayleigh and Ydes. "Carolina, report to the throne room." Carolina nods and quietly walks with me. When we get to the throne room, I sit on my throne and watch the guards come back, they bow to me. "Speak." I say angrily. I see Carolina step forward. "Your Majesty, we are sorry. Eugene threatened us and our families." She looks at the ground. "Then you should have come to me. You know I'm stronger than Eugene." Carolina nods. ,,But he would then bring people in from Phantom Assembly." I look at Carolina with surprise. ,,Does he have connections with Phantom Assembly?!" Carolina nods. "Thank you for being so honest. I'll protect you and we'll get that Phantom Assembly!" Carolina nods. "Thank you!" I wave my hand once and the guards walk away again.

After thinking for a while, I walk to the room with the hologram. "Thor and Opehlia." I say, and not much later see the throne room of Thor and Opehlia. "Aunt Myra!" I hear the voice of Thena and Nimmis say. ,,Hello ladies. Where are your fathers?" Thena and Nimmis look at each other. "Follow us." I nod and follow the ladies. With the hologram, you can actually walk anywhere you want. But you have to know where you want to be, and in Thor and Ophelia's castle it always appears in the throne room. It is the same the other way around. We walk to Thor's office. Thena knocks on the door. "Who's there?" You hear Thor's voice say. ,,It's Thena and Nimmis. Aunt Myra is here as a hologram." "Come in." Thena opens the door and we walk in. "Myra. Nice to see you." I see Father is there too. "What's going on?" I hear Thor say. He immediately sees that something is wrong. "I have news about Phantom Assembly." Thor stands up immediately. "Ladies, you go on playing." Thena and Nimmis nod and walk away again. Loki also enters. "I heard Myra is here?" Thor nods. "Come in and close the door." Loki sits down next to Father and I stand next to Thor. "Eugene has connections with Phantom Assembly. He used me to become king so that Phantom Assembly could operate from the castle of Nuaria. He wanted to brainwash Loki to get us out of the way." I see Father, Thor and Loki getting angry. "We'll grab that man." I nod. "I'm coming to bring you Shayleigh and Ydes and then we'll go that way." Father, Thor and Loki nod. I close the hologram and walk to the children's playroom. "Shayleigh, Ydes pack your things. We're going to Grandma's." Shayleigh and Ydes happily jump up and run to their bedroom. "Carolina." "Yes, your majesty?" Not much later, I hear next to me. "Can you watch the castle?" Carolina nods.

When the kids are back with their stuff, we leave for Asgard. With a detour, of course, we still can't go straight. When we arrive at Asgard I see that Father, Mother, Thor and Loki are already waiting. They greet the children and Mother takes Shayleigh and Ydes along. I'm going with the rest to Midgard to question Eugene. "Heimdall bring us as close as possible to Eugene." Heimdall nods and opens the portal. When we get there, we take a look around. We are in front of a single-family house. We walk to the front door and knock on the door. A pregnant woman opens the door. "Who are you?" She looks at us one by one. I step forward. "We're looking for Eugene." The woman looks at me. "He's not here." She wants to slam the door, but I put my foot in it. "I didn't ask." She looks at me a little scared. She then opens the door anyway and points to a door. We walk over and open the door. Eugene is on the couch. "Molly, who was that?" he asks. When he doesn't get an answer, he turns around. "You!" He says a little angry, but also a little scared. Thor and Loki walk towards him. "So you know where we can find Phantom Assembly?" Thor grabs it. People from the planets of Fanya and the rest are not as strong as the people of Asgard.

After questioning Eugene for a while, we know where to find Phantom Assembly. We also know that their leader is called Pamela Love. It is indeed she. We're going to their headquarters site. It's in an abandoned building. Coincidentally close to the building that houses Fanya's portal. We enter the building and look around. It doesn't look abandoned. They refurbished it just like us. The guards inside look at us in surprise. "Who are you?" asks one. "Your worst nightmare." The guards come at us and we start fighting.

When there are no more guards, we walk upstairs to Pamela's room. We walk in and she looks at us. "Welcome to my headquarters. It's not much, I'd rather be somewhere else. But that was not possible because someone became the queen of Nuaria." With those words, she looks at me. "She is a better queen than Eugene as king, and I am sure like you as queen." Loki says and looks at her angrily. She tries to use her magic, but she can't. "Last time you surprised me, but it won't work now!" We attack her and not much later she lies dead on the ground.

We won.

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