Chapter 3

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Loki P.O.V

I talked to Myra for a long time yesterday. I'm going to Mother and Father today to tell where she is and how to get there. I've discussed with Armine that he's going to let our army go through and try to keep the people on their own planet so that no chaos can ensue. I stand in front of Father and Mother's bedroom, where they have been a lot lately. I knock on the door. ,,come in." I hear Mother say. I walk in and scared a little. They both sit on the bed and stare into space. "Mother, Father, I have good news. Myra has been found, and she has her memories of us back." I see Mother happily getting off the bed. "We can talk to her now if you want." Now I see Father getting off the bed too. The three of us walk to another room. I open the hologram and don't see Myra anywhere. "Myra, are you here?" I ask. "Here I am!" I hear her say behind us. We turn around and see that she is tied to a chair. There are two people standing next to her. I notice that Mother startles. "Myra! Are you okay?" I hear that Mother is crying. I look at Myra and see that her tears are falling too. She nods once. "I'm fine." The man next to Myra coughs once. "Welcome Odin, Frigga. Yes, it's right, this is your little girl." The woman now takes a step forward. "If you want to see her alive, I'll just leave us alone." I feel myself getting angry inside. "Okay." I hear Father say. I look at him in surprise. "We'll leave you alone." I don't believe what I hear. ,,Father!" I see that Father holds his hand in front of me. With those words, he closes the hologram. He then looks at us. "We're going to get our army ready, we're going to save Myra!" I nod and walk with Vader. I'm going to get Thor and then meet Vader for our army. "We're going to get Princess Myraura back!" The army begins to cheer. We are all going to Heimdall together. We must first travel through Earth, and then Armine must open the portal from there. We arrive in front of the building. Fortunately, the building is in a deserted place. We walk into the building. Once there, there is already an army ready. "They knew we would come anyway. Get ready to fight!" Our army is getting ready. Suddenly, the two people who had held Myra captive come forward. "I warned you." The woman says. "Now you're going to feel it!"

Nobody's P.O.V

Odin signals his army to fight, Nyx does the same with his army. Meanwhile, at Myraura, she is freed by one of the family's maids named Nayeli. "Cinder and Nyx are bad people and must be stopped. I'll take care of Emilia and Gracie." Myraura nods and goes to Fanya. "Take me to Midgard!" Armine nods and opens the portal. The portal opens behind Cinder and Nyx's army. Once through the portal, she hides behind a broken piece of wall. "I need to be able to do something." Myraura thinks. She suddenly sees that Cinder and Nyx's army is losing and that Cinder and Nyx are trying to escape. ,,Stop!" Myraura says, suddenly using wind magic. Cinder and Nyx are blown into the air by the wind of Myraura. Cinder and Nyx's army is defeated, and Odin's and Frigga's army moves on to Cinder and Nyx. With Frigga and Odin leading the way. Loki and Thor walk to Myraura. "Myra?" Loki gives his younger sister a hug first. "Glad we found you!" Myraura nods and then hugs Thor too. In the meantime, Cinder and Nyx are killed by Odin and his army. After that, Odin and Frigga also walk towards their daughter. "Myra. I missed you." Frigga gives her daughter a hug. Myraura looks at where Cinder and Nyx are lying. "How are things going with Nuaria and with Emilia and Gracie?" Myraura looks at her parents with concern. Odin looks at his wife. "I'm going to take care of Nuaria and Emilia and Gracie." Frigga says. "As if they are my own children." Myraura happily and proudly hugs her mother. "Thank you, Mother!" Frigga goes with Loki and Myraura to Nuaria. Thor goes with Odin and his army back to Asgard.

Once arrived at Nuaria, the maid Nayeli looks surprised at the trio in front of her. "This is my real Mother, Frigga." The maid bows to Frigga. "Welcome to Nuaria." Frigga gives Nayeli a friendly smile. "My name is Nayeli Ostusqur. I've always taken care of the kids." Frigga looks gratefully at Nayeli. "You are a good person, Nayeli. Keep that quality forever." Nayeli nods. "I will, Your Majesty." Frigga then looks at Emilia and Gracie, who are both asleep on the couch. "These are the other two kids." You can tell from her eyes that Frigga has fallen in love with the two. Nayeli nods. "The one on the left bench is Emilia and the one on the right is Gracie." Frigga nods once. "I'll take good care of them." Nayeli looks at Frigga in surprise. "Are Cinder and Nyx dead?" she asks carefully. Frigga nods once. "Until Myraura is old enough to be queen, I am the queen of this planet." Nayeli nods. "I'll pass it on to the rest of the staff." Frigga nods. "I'll also give a speech to the group later." Nayeli nods again and then walks away. Suddenly, Emilia wakes up. She looks around once and her eyes fall on Frigga. ,,Who are you?" Frigga walks over to Emilia and kneels in front of her. "I'm your new mother." Emilia looks at Frigga with some tears in her eyes. "Where's my mommy?" Frigga looks away for a moment and then back to Emilia. "Mommy's gone and she's never coming back." Emilia starts to cry. She gets up from the couch and runs to Myraura. Myraura hugs her. "Hush little girl."

The little sister of Thor and Loki ~ EnglishΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα