Chapter 1

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Nobody P.O.V

It's a warm, sunny day in Asgard. The hometown of Thor, Loki and Myraura. It's one of the nine realm. The people of Asgard are seen as gods by the people of Earth. Asgard is not round like the Earth, and it does not orbit a star. It is a flat, asteroid-like mass with an upper surface that exerts a gravitational pull similar to Earth's to keep the citizens and their cities from floating in the void. It also has a portal that allows you to travel to the different realms. Earth is also one of the nine realms and is called Midgard by the other realms. The other seven realms are Jotunheim, Svartalfheim, Vanaheim, Muspleheim, Niflheim, Nidavellir, and Alfheim. Thor is currently 8 years old, Loki is currently 7 years old and Myraura is currently 4 years old. Loki and Myraura are playing outside, Thor is to the town with their mother. Odin is in a meeting about the future of the children. Thor is the eldest, so he will be the next king. In the middle of the meeting, Loki comes in sad. "Loki!" Odin says surprised when he sees the youngest son enter. ,,What is going on?" Loki looks at the others inside. Odin sends the rest away and then looks back at Loki. "Tell me, my son." "It's Myra." He looks at the ground for a moment. "What's up with Myraura?" Odin asks, you can hear concern in his voice. "She... She was taken by strangers. I couldn't save her." He lets his tears fall. ,,You did your best. Let's go to Heimdall, see if he can see where she is." Loki nods and walks with his father to Heimdall. When they get to Heimdall, they see that he is injured on the ground. "Heimdall! Is everything alright? What happened?!!" Odin kneels by the gatekeeper and helps him up. "I saw them too late. They already had Myraura with them. They entered through another portal." Odin looked away for a moment. "Could you see who they were?" Heimdall nods. "It was the Dark Lynx." Odin looks at Heimdall in surprise. "I thought they didn't exist." Heimdall nods. ,,I thought so too." Heimdall stands by the portal. "They traveled through Midgard. So they couldn't come directly this way. But I no longer see or feel Myraura. I could follow her all the way to a building on Midgard." Odin nods once. "Take me there!" Heimdall nods and opens the portal for Odin. Odin then looks at Loki. "Stay with Heimdall, Loki!" Loki shakes his head. ,,I want to come with you, I want to save Myra too! It's my fault she's gone!" Odin looks at his son. "Come with me then, but stay close to me!" Loki nods, and they go through the portal to Earth together. Once on Earth, Odin, and Loki take a look around. They then walk into the building where Myraura was last seen. They walk around the whole building together, but they can't find anything.

Myraura is gone.

Once back in the castle of Asgard, Odin walks straight on to his wife, who is already back with Thor. "Frigga, Thor, I have bad news." Frigga and Thor look at Odin in surprise. Myraura is gone. She was taken by the Dark Lynx." Frigga and Thor look startled. ,,What?! What have they taken my little girl to, then?!" Tears run down Frigga and Thor's cheeks. Odin walks to his wife to comfort her. "I'll make sure we get our girl back!" It has been 1 year since Myraura was taken by the Dark Lynx. Odin never gave up on finding Myraura. Even Thor and Loki are helping with the search. And Myraura? She was taken to Nuaria. Nuaria you ask? That's the same kind of flat, asteroid-like mass as Asgard. Nuaria is 1 of the 9 realms of Fanya. The other realms are Nolea, Linia, Ethea, Yestea, Unia, Onia and again Earth. Since this is another realm and separate from Asgard and the other realms, Heimdall cannot find Myraura. But Fanya's gatekeeper, Armine can't find Asgard and the other realms either. Myraura is currently in the castle of Nuaria. What the Dark lynx do is actually steal children from other people and give them to the clients. The King Nyx and Queen Cinder of Nuaria cannot have children, so they have asked the Dark Lynx to steal a daughter for them from another king and queen. Then they came to Myraura and they chose her. The Dark Lynx also ensure that the children do not remember anything about their lives before they were taken, so that the new parents can put other memories in the children. Weren't the residents surprised when Myraura was suddenly there? No, actually not, because Cinder and Nyx have always kept their "child" inside until she was 5 years old, because she didn't have her ears and tail yet. And since Myraura was almost 5, they had selected her too. One of the characteristics of Nuaria is that the inhabitants have cats ears and tails or dogs ears and tails. At the age of 5, the children get their ears and tails. Everyone gets the choice of dogs or cats. Once the choice has been made, you cannot change it. You can also choose if you want a cat or dog species. Like a lion or a wolf. Today is the day Myraura gets her ears and tail. Since she is a princess, a big party is held. The change is held in a building near the castle. It's the same place for everyone. When Myraura is inside, the square in front of the building is filled with the residents.

After a while, Myraura comes back to what she thinks now, her parents. "Myra, what a nice choice!" Cinder says happily. Myraura has opted for lion ears and tail, she looks happy at Cinder and Nyx. "I'm happy with it too!" she says happily. "Let's show you to the residents." Myraura nods shyly once, but then later grabs Cinder and Nyx's hands. The three of them walk out of the building. All residents cheer when they see Myraura. "Behold Princess Myraura, your future queen!" Nyx says proudly. The residents begin to cheer. "Myraura! Myraura!" The residents say happily. After a while, Cinder, Nyx and Myraura go back to the castle.

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