~| Day 3: Monster |~

636 28 10

Series: Rainbow Quest

AU: Horror AU (not Crystal Horrors, the other one)

Context: Sabre is an escaped lab experiment from his world, the trials having turned him into an extremely tall, dangerous, and carnivorous creature. The Steves, although being terrifying themselves, still find him unnerving when they first meet him. All except for Orange Steve, of course. Sabre and Orange are in the Hub after meeting the people of the Orange Village.

Funny how the AU that's likely one of my scariest is the one I'm writing fluff for :^


[Sabre's POV]

Well... first experience with other people, and I don't think it went so well.

Everyone looked so scared of me... I mean, I kind of get it, I seriously tower over everyone... and I kept almost accidentally sticking someone with my clawed hands... and whenever I tried smiling, I showed my sharp teeth, and it scared people more... why am I so bad at this?

I then hear Orange calling out for me in the Hub.

"Sabre! Where'd you go?" He says, and I see him standing near the portals.

I climb down from where I was sitting on top of the giant statue, and walk over to him.

"Oh, there you are!" Orange says, smiling at me when I come over. "Hi buddy!"

"What's up, Orange?" I ask.

"Oh, I just wanted to check up on you after today..." Orange says. "You looked a bit sad when we left."

"Ah, that..." I sigh. "I just don't think I made that well of a first impression. Everyone looked a bit... afraid of me."

"Afraid?" Orange says. "Why would they be afraid?"

I sit on the floor so I'm closer to Orange's level, being so much taller compared to him.

"Orange, I'm literally a monster compared to you guys." I sigh. "It's no wonder they were all scared of me."

Orange stays silent for a moment, then he quickly gives me a hug.

"Sabre, you might be a little scary, but they weren't scared of you! You're just a bit intimidating, that's all." Orange says.

"How do you know?" I ask.

"Well, they told me." Orange smiles. "Everyone was happy when you helped them, but were just a little bit scared, so they came to me about it and told me. They didn't think you were too scary."

"Wait, so when I helped that one with the cat, they...?"

"They only reason Shy ran off after you helped him is because he's known to be skittish. You didn't do anything wrong."

Earlier I had noticed someone trying to get their cat down from a tree, so I came over and held my hand out to the cat since I could reach. The cat climbed right on, and I gave it back to the owner (I guess that was Shy). He ran off right after though.

"...And the one with the book?" I ask

"Nerdy is just a bit more cautious about his books, buddy." Orange says. "When you got his book back from that one guy, he was actually really grateful; just intimidated."

The next person I helped was one that was getting messed with, another Orange Steve was standing on scaffolding and holding his book above his head. I walked over and took the book back from the jerk, and gave it back to the Orange Steve I guess is called Nerdy. He answered pretty quickly when I asked if the book was alright, then ran off. I thought I did something wrong...

"And Happy was really glad about the flower!" Orange continues. "He thought it was really nice of you."

"So... I didn't scare them away?" I ask.

"Not really, no." Orange says.

"I thought that they thought I'm a monster..." I mumble.

"Sabre, buddy, how many times do I gotta tell you?" Orange asks, laughing. "You might look a bit like a monster, but that doesn't mean you are one. Only you decide what you are, not everyone else. Besides, are we really ones to judge? We look scary too!"

"Heh... thanks, buddy." I say, giving Orange a small smile back. "I kinda needed that."

"That's what friends are for." Orange says, a wide grin on his face.

Orange then grabs my hand and starts trying to take my into another place in the Hub.

"Now, come on! I wanna show you something I thought of for you!" Orange says.

I get up and go where he's taking me.

"You made something for me? What is it?" I ask.

"Well, I felt kinda bad that you've had to just find a spot in the trees to sleep in for a while, so I made some changes to a cave I found in here!" Orange exclaims excitedly. "It looks super cool!"

"Wooooaaah, that just sounds cool! And you actually did that?!" I say. "You're awesome, man."

"No problem!" Orange says.

Orange and I happily go along as he leads me to the altered cave he made for me, and I'm excited to see what he did.

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