Leaving The Isles

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In the Emperor's castle, a fight was taking place that depended on what the fate of the Boiling Isles would be. The fighters who participated are undoubtedly familiar to you, members of The Bad Girl Coven.

Led by a human teenager, Luz Noceda, a witch-in-training, they battled Emperor Belos.

Willow, Hexside's best plant witch tried to hold back Emperor Belos with long and strong vines, but the monstrous sorcerer easily passed through the obstacle.

The Emperor was approaching Luz, who was badly injured.  Before Gus could create the illusion of another Luz, the Emperor threw Luz into a wall with his giant fist. Leaving her unable to return to the fight.

"Luz the Human, you've caused me so much trouble. Lucky for you, you won't see the end of the world, as I'm about to end your short life. And in front of your other family."

Luz looked the monster straight in the eyes, "Azura."


Suddenly a female voice was heard behind the Emperor, "Eat this sucker!"

Amity Blight, Hexside's top student, always the best at everything except covering up the blush on her cheeks, used her Abomination magic and made a fist, which she hit Belos with.

Belos started to lose his balance, but he stayed on the bridge. He chuckled evilly, keeping his eyes on Luz, he thought he would win.

But within seconds he found himself hanging from the bridge. Behind him stood the Clawthorne sisters. Edalyn and Lilith. They were holding their magic staff, with which they threw Belos off the bridge.

The monstrous old wizard did not expect to be betrayed by his own family. As he hung, his nephew Hunter approached him. Thinking he would help Belos relaxed and motioned for Hunter to pull him up.  But Hunter did nothing of the sort.

Hunter took out a knife, with which he cut off the Emperor's hand with one easy movement.  He watched as his uncle fell into the abyss, the mask of the Golden Guard falling with him.  Hunter had no regrets.

They all ran and hugged Luz, who was covered in cuts.  "We succeeded, we won."

But their little gathering was interrupted by a portal that Belos was putting together.  It was collapsing, and with it was collapsing the chance for Luz to return to her mother, her home.

With a heavy heart, Edalyn took the teenager in her arms. She headed for the portal, but Luz didn't give in easily.

"Eda, Eda, no! You can't do this! Don't make me go back!"

"I'm sorry kiddo, but you must go home."

"THIS IS MY HOME! EDA NO! I have to stay, please, Eda, PLEASE!" She was screaming at this point.

"Kiddo I'm proud of you."

"Wait, Amity, I li—" Luz was interrupted by Eda throwing her through the portal.

On the other side of the portal, Luz was lying on the floor in front of a dusty old forest cabin.  She tried to get up and return to the Boiling Isles, but once she opened the magical door, the portal was gone.

She opened and closed the door a few more times, and then the realization hit her hard.  She could no longer return to the Boiling Isles.

She fell to her knees and started screaming "NOOOOOO!"

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