If Hearts Could Speak ~ Chapter 1

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New Story. This one is a bit different. Uncharted territory. Warnings? uh, Strap in, it's going to be a wild ride?

[boyxboy] Trying to venture out of the teen angst and more into the 'adult' angst, basically...life.

I hope you guys enjoy this one.

I narrowed my eyes at the person standing before me. I'd taken a lot of shit in my life but this was going overboard. The more he spoke, the more I wanted to slap his tongue out of his mouth.

"Shut up!" I growled out. "You keep lying to me and expect me to be okay with it. What the fuck do you take me for? I'm not your play thing. I have feelings which you obviously don't seem to care about."


"No. I'm done, Carter. I'm so over this. Get out of my house." I said.

"We can fix this." He said. I turned around to see him approaching me. "We can get past this and work things out.:

"There's nothing to fix." I said. "We're over. You don't get another chance. I've taken you back after all of your screw ups. You lied, you cheated. No more."

"Jeremy, this can't be what you really want." He said softly.

"Yea, because you're such an expert on what I want." I sneered. "Get out. I don't want you here. You can come fetch all your stuff tomorrow while I'm in class."

I turned around and waited till I heard the door close before I let myself go. I didn't cry, I just came to terms that this was the end before a new beginning.

Throughout the day all the lectures I gave seemed pointless. I felt like I was literally lecturing the students instead of teaching them. As my mom always said; 'In by the one ear, out by the other'.

I went through explaining the same thing over and over again. In all my years of being a professor, I had never want to get out of a classroom faster. I loved teaching. I loved the fact that I was capable of moulding young minds into understanding life and what it could be. Today though, today was the worst day I had experienced in years. It reflected in the way I taught and I hated that. I dismissed my class and thanked the heavens that it was my last class of the day.

I went home and put all the papers I had to grade on my desk. I was in for a rough night. I didn't care though. I would do anything if it meant I could get my mind off certain jackasses that 'graced' this lovely world of ours. I sighed as I stared at the stack before me. The liquor cabinet across from my desk suddenly seemed like a good friend to have at the moment.

With a scotch- neat- and a red pen in my hand I got started on my work. I was surprised at how creative these kids could be these days. People never gave them enough credit. I could ask 'What is the meaning of life?' and they'd give me an answer that would never have crossed my mind.

I looked at the clock as I completed the last of the papers. It was still early. The bar downtown wouldn't be closed for another four hours or so. I finished up and took a shower.

I stood in the shower for about five minutes before I remembered what I was actually there for. I washed my hair and scrubbed my body. I came out smelling like fruit. I scowled at the scent. Carter friggin' left his toiletries here.

I wiped the mirror with my hand and stared at my reflection. I hated what I saw. Maybe green eyes and jet-black hair wasn't everything. I used to come in here and smile and now I was scowling like an alley cat. I couldn't stand this. I hated it and I had no idea why I couldn't stop. Why couldn't I make it all just go away?

If Hearts Could Speak [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now