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What you guys do for Halloween 🎃👻🍬
(Heads up this is for all genders so please be aware and I will make a Non-binary headcannons and oneshots soon, thanks for staying and liking my writing 💛)
♒︎Knowing Hunter nothing in the human realm would scare him scene he is from the demon realm
♒︎But what does scare him are jump scares,creepy dolls, and maybe creepy (killer)clowns
♒︎So you guys just spend Halloween inside and watch movies
♒︎some movies you guys watch would be mostly Tim Burton films and you guys spend nights watching them
♒︎The one you guys love to watch the most is The Nightmare Before Christmas
♒︎Hunter absolutely loves that movie but also love Corpse Bride
♒︎If you guys would watch the Nightmare Before Christmas then there's a chance Hunter love the animation and the music
♒︎Most of the songs Hunter loves to listen to when watching these films were "This is Halloween, and Oggie Boogie's Song"(The Nightmare before Christmas) an lastly "Tears to shed"(corpse bride)
♒︎what you guys eat is really what you guys feel like eating
♒︎Chance of it being pizza, or dino nuggies with fries and dessert being cookies or chocolate covered strawberries drinks are abviously Hunters choice so just drink he gets : )
♒︎When it's time for you guys to rest you guys take a nice shower and cuddle each other before falling asleep to the coldness of Halloween night.
♒︎Plot twist some times Luz likes to be a prankster and scare Hunte and you when you guys are about fall asleep so make sure to Locke your doors before Luz has the chance to scare you all...
♒︎In the next morning you wake up early and you have a head start in cleaning and of course make breakfast for your little Goldie🤍
♒︎Hunter always likes to be woken up by his lover so he loves getting kisse all over his face when he first wake up.
♒︎and make sure you don't give him coffee for else he will just sneakily make it and just pretend it's something else...

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