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When it comes to hunter I don't think he would really be all out there like Luz but when it come to meeting new people of course someon has to introduce them¯\_( '・ω・)_/¯

How does Hunter meet you?
I think it would be easy to say that Luz introduced you and Hunter when she caught Hunter eyeing you and oh boy it would be very awkward...

How does Hunter react to his feeling for you?
Knowing Hunter he would probably wouldn't understand the feeling so with curiosity he would ask Luz about his feelings but if he would ask his uncle/Belos, Belos would probably say it would be a waist of time and a waist of time to even ask him.

Who would confess first?
You of course but if it was Hunter expect some stuttering and some mumbling when he is about to confess.

How is it like dating Hunter?
It would be great and expect lot of love letters or just letter when it comes to Hunter, often he would 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮 𝓵𝓲𝓴𝓮 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓼, and no one knows what the letter says but you and uncle sence he used to work for his uncle.

How is he like when he is sick?
When Hunter is sick he would be like a whiney baby and wanting attention,and if you don't he would be bothering you every 5 minutes if not maybe even second's! So be sure to give him the attention😌.

How would it be like when your sick?
I won't lie but he would be very clueless when it comes to you being sick. So you have to tell him what to do, and even when your human he would be very worried.

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