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So this is was the after events of the Kings Tide episode so this may be spoilers, so if you didn't watch it I won't force you but please watch!(also to be exact you both went your house because your parents passed away so makes you live alone but not anymore scene Hunter is with you and besides you. We're Luz's neighbor) Now with that let's get to it

After what happened, it was hard for you to sleep but it was even worse for Hunter...

ᥫ᭡So to help him sleep you would whisper sweet nothing's into his ear and tell him what happened wasn't his fault
ᥫ᭡If that didn't work then you would have him take a warm bath then have him eat and drink some tea.
ᥫ᭡You would most definitely comfort him when he is crying about what had happend and thinks it's his fault so you would hug him and if your taller than Hunter you would carry him bridal style to your NEW shared room to the bed..
ᥫ᭡So when you guys both went to bed you would run your fingers through his now soft platinum blonde hair, until Hunter was asleep.
ᥫ᭡it's also easy to tell when he's asleep because his grip on your waist became loose and you hear him breathing softly
ᥫ᭡In the mornings you would stay inside because no one in the Human realm knew about Hunter, Guz, Willow or Amity! So to be safe you would stay inside but when it's needed you would you would go to the stores to buy snacks, ingredients for foods and sweets and of course fruits (if you don't like fruits I am sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ) )
ᥫ᭡and how I said you guys stay inside the most it's most likely you would buy take out for the both of them.
ᥫ᭡and when you get a pet you would adopt a Cardinal and you let Hunter name it...
ᥫ᭡Of course Hunter started crying when he saw the red Cardinal because it reminded him of his palismen so he named it Flapjack!
ᥫ᭡and you two got so attached to Flapjack and he helped Hunter with his sadness along with you!

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