Chapter Twenty

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When Luna and Gio finally got off the plane two guys opened the door to the car for them and closed it after they got in

"Welcome to Rio and configuration on getting married," The driver said

Gio nodded his head and turned to watch Luna.

"What?" she asked

"Nothing," He said but thought about why she actually married him and about what they have to do tonight

"The hotel stay is for three months. Mr Vladimir wanted you two to have the best experience here and to have some alone time together," The guy on the passenger side said

"Alone time?' Luna asked

"You know what wedded couples do after their wedding. Have sex. Lots and lots of sex," The driver was

Lunabblushed and looked down at her phone which started ringing.

"Hello?" she answered

"You fucking got married?!" She heard Collin yell

"Shouldn't you be busy fucking Selena?" she asked pissed as hell

"You got married and didn't even think about telling me?" he yelled

"I told your family I wanted to tell you but you yelled at me to never call you again and oh yeah your fucking the bitch who I hate and who made my life a living hell so doing ever call me again because the minute you choose to be with her you lost me. Bye!" Luna yelled and turned her phone off

"You okay?" Gio asked her

"No," she said and buried her head into his chest

Once they got to the hotel many looked at them. Gio ignored everyone as he was looking at his wife who was glaring at all the girls

Once they got their hotel room key they went up to the honeymoon suite.

The guys who brought in their bags were tipped and once they left Gio and Luna didn't know what to do

"Are you hungry I mean it's almost dinner time so we can go out," Gio suggested

"That sounds fun," Luna said smiling

The two got changed and grabbed a cab to a nearby fancy restaurant

"Hello how may I help?" the man at the door asked

"They can have the honeymoon room upstairs, Day," A guy said coming down

"Dante," Gio said and shook the man's hand

"Gio are you going to introduce me to your new wife?" Dante said

"Dante this is Luna. Butterfly this is my old college friend Dante," Gio said

"Nice to meet you," Luna said with a smile

"Yeah, you too. I apologize that I wasn't at your wedding but you know how business is. Anyways enjoy your evening," Dante said as he saw two girls waiting for him

Once Dante left the waiter took them to the honeymoon room where only the best was served

The two newlyweds had fun talking and eating and as the night went on the two had quite a lot to drink.

When they got back to the hotel they both changed into their sleeping wear and when Gio came out of the bathroom he found Luna on the balcony watching the beautiful sunset.

He went behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. They stared at the stars for a while until Gio turned Luma around and kissed her

After a few seconds, he grabbed her ass and lifted her and guided her to the bed where he fell on top of her still kissing

"Are you sure you want this?" Gio asked breaking the kiss

She smiled at him and said, "Yes," Before she kissed him with more passion and hunger. As they kissed they got rid of each other's clothes.

Hellish life... Donish..Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ