Chapter Fourteen

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I left the room and went to my room. I went to the balcony and sat on the ledge hiding in the shadow of the three

I picked up my phone and called Collin but he didn't pick up so he must have still been sleeping since it is six am in New York

I closed my eyes thinking back to when I used to meet us with Gio in the park.

I loved singing back then and I always felt alive and happy. I loved singing for him as well. I wasn't at all nervous like I was at times when I performed on stage in front of hundreds of other schools

"You're not thinking about jumping are you?" Lucas asked

"No. Even if I did the jump won't end it, it would just make me feel pain," I said opening my eyes

"Are you okay? I heard what that which told mom and the rest," He asked

"Fine," I said with a small smile that he saw through

"Come on," He said and grabbed my hand before dragging me downstairs and through the long hallway

We entered a room and I gasp at how beautiful it is.

"The walls are soundproof so go crazy," He said and smiled at me

"I can't," I said and looked down

"Yes, you can. Please Luna one song for me? I'll even play the guitar for you," He said

"No, you don't understand I can't. The last time I did Gianna made sure that I'd never want to again," I said and touched my left arm

"She did that?" he asked and took my arm to see the scare on it

"She saw me practice for the competition and did it. She threw a knife at me and I covered myself with my arm. The next day I went to the composition but I just couldn't sing," I said and looked down

He hugged me and I couldn't control my tears anymore. They started rolling down my face as Lucas just held me tightly letting me cry on his shoulder

"I'm sorry I didn't know if I did I wouldn't have brought you here," He said

I hugged him back and quickly turned away and wiped away my tears when Hayden came in

"Everything okay?" He asked

"What is it?" Lucas asked

"The Russo's are leaving," He said and looked at me carefully before saying, "I'll tell them you and Luna went out to the woods in the back to walk the dogs,"

"Thanks," Lucas said as I kept looking at my feet trying to stop crying

Hayden left and Lucas calmed me down. After a while, we just sat down on the ground near the door talking about random stuff

Dad came in and saw us talking and smiled before asking, "Are you okay?"

I nodded my head and he frowned a bit before asking, "You sure?"

"I'm fine dad don't worry," I said with a small smile

"And you're okay with marrying him so soon? And the other arrangements?" he asked

"I don't really get a choice here. I would have liked to finish high school before getting married or having a kid. And what girl doesn't have a dream wedding? But it's what I have to do so I'm fine with it," I said with a bit of unease

"I know we can always have your dream wedding after you're done with school that's why your new friends can join and it's like you're getting married after high school," Lucas said

"No, it's okay really. As long as I can pick the dress then I'm happy. I will have my father walk me down the aisle and my big brothers there too. I never thought I'd have that at my wedding. As long as I have you guys there standing with me I'll be fine," I said

"Your friend Collin and his family. Do you want them here?" dad asked

"I would love that but Collin and I haven't been talking since our fight and I don't think he or his family would understand why I'm marrying Gio," I said

"Call him maybe he has changed his mind and has calmed down. He's your best friend so he should be here for your wedding," Dad said

I nodded my head, looked at my phone and saw it was past one. He would have been done writing by now.

I stood up and went our the back before calling him again

"Stop calling me Luna!" he yelled when he picked up

"She's calling again?" I heard Selena's voice

"Are you with Selena?" I asked

"Yes I am she's my girlfriend now," He said

"Oh," I said and hung up I threw my phone against the wall and saw Mason and Jullian looking at me

"Want to talk?" Mason asked

"No," I said and went inside

"Luna. Stop," Jullian said

"What?" I asked

"What happened?" He asked

"My best friend is now dating the bitch who ruined my life. My whole life is being planned out for me and I lost my best friend. The one that was always there for me," I said and he hugged me but I pushed him away and ran to my room

I slammed my door shut and fall onto my bed before crying into my pillow.

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