Chapter Five

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As we sat listening to the priest speak while Mom and John were going into the ground Selena was full-on crying

I felt numb I didn't know what to feel other than that. How would I feel??

When the ceremony was done my mother's lawyer stood in front of us.

"I'm so sorry for your loss. Your mother wanted..." he tried to say and Selena yelled at me, "This is your fault. You made moms life hell. She shouldn't have left you anything. Your just a troubled child,"

Everyone turned to us but I still did nothing other than look at the lawyer.

"She left nothing to Luna. She left everything to you except one box she wanted me to give to Luna," The Lawyer said and handed me a small shoe box

I grabbed the box and left. As Mrs T drove us all home I was looking at the box.

Tomorrow is my birthday and a new day at a new school. I was shocked to learn that mom had paid the whole year's tuition. Mrs and Mr T wanted me to take a week before going but I said no I wanted out of this town. I already took Monday off just to settle in at the dormitory

"How could she leave Luna with Nothing?!" Minka said

"What's in the box?" Collin asked

I shrugged my shoulders and opened it. I saw two letters and some photos before I found my birth certificate and under that was a jewellery box

"You can find your father now," Collin said taking the certificate out of my hand and his eyes went wide

I looked at the letters and both were from mom to a guy. Alessio Rodriguez. It was the same name that was on my birth certificate.

I saw two guys holding three kids in the first photo and the second photo was three boys. In the third photo were three adult males and a mom standing next to another woman with five kids standing in front of them

I opened the Jewellery box and my eyes went wide

"Are that real diamonds?" Minka asked with wide eyes

"Can't be," I said

"Those are uncut diamonds. Where would she have even found them?" Kevin asked

"What?" Mr T said

When we stopped I showed him the diamonds and he and Mrs T looked shocked. Collin took out his iPad and searched for something and showed us a picture of Rodriguez's Jewellery store with the man and three kids standing in front of it.

"18 years or so ago his wife Gianna Rodriguez stole from him and ran. Let me see if I can," Collin said and searched for something else

"Shit," Collin said and showed us a picture again

It was my mother.

"You're saying this is stolen diamonds. That my mother is Gianna Rodriguez. That she stole this from my father?" I asked

"Yeah," Collin said and I saw that Mr Rodriguez's parents lived near the Thomsons.

I closed my eyes and asked Mr T, "Can I borrow your car?"

He nodded his head and gave me the keys. I got in and before I could start Collin got in with me.

We went to the Rodriguez household and I was shocked. We stopped outside of the gates and a guard stopped us

"I'm here to see Mr Alessio Rodriguez's parents tell them it had to do about Gianna," I said

He looks at me and went to the gates. We waited for a while and then they let us pass. When we stopped in front of the mansion I got out with Collin

Hellish life... Donish..Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ