~Chapter 8~

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I advise you to listen and read at the same time,as whatever is in the video,will be in this chapter.I do NOT own this masterpiece of a youtube video,so the credits go the original creator.Btw,The lines are all what Kabuto says,so I haven't added in (Y/n)'s lines,so you can be a bit free to say whatever you want to helmet beetle when you need to,Have fun!!!

"Oh How disappointing,why are you here,I just wanted to have a little chat with Naruto,Instead I find you."

"Lord Orochimaru isn't going to be pleased,but I guess i'll have some explaining to do once I get back to the base".

"How have You been?It's been a while since I've seen you.Last I checked you were a mentor,right?—Or no,A sensei."*laughs*

"That's what they call you goofy people."*sighs* *Inhales/Exhales*

"Geez,how much longer are you going to keep playing the act.When are you going to tell them that their world is gonna be shattering,But oh,—That's right.You people don't tell the truth,you keep secrets,that's what you do".

"So I understand,I get it,they're not going to be ready for what's about to come.Hmm..Oh,quit it.We're not little kids anymore.You can't try manipulate your way to getting what you want like you used to".

"That's right,I'm a new Kabuto.Do you like the glasses?"Chuckle*.

"What're you doing,are you trying to flirt with me~?".

"Aww..that's cute.I think you were prettier back than,yea..but don't worry,everyone's beauty is bound to decline at some point.".



"Do you think so?".

"I look the same?Really?Wow.I mean,I'll take it,that just means I stayed in the average zone.Neither getting worse or better,just,staying the same."

"That's what the Hidden leaf village has been.Never getting better,never getting worse,just the same corrupt system.Being hidden and swept under the rug."

"But don't worry,I'll make sure to tell your students the real history of the hidden leaf village.They'll be so grateful,trust me.".

"What,is this your plan to try and seduce me?".

"You can't seduce me,You don't know how.But I'll tell you one thing,I can seduce you."

"Oh yea,you see,I work in medicine,I know......What a human needs to survive."

"You know what?Maybe the reason why you haven't been getting better is because you've been lacking something,you've been lacking medicine and now i'm back in your life,You have what you need."

"So perhaps i should extend this offer,would you like to come back with me?Forget about those kids,forget about those people.Their a whole—"


"I won't say it...Just come whith me,be on the witty side for once,be on the better side..."

"Cause,I mean,I know you want to..."




"So what's stopping you...?"

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