"Hey um... I know you don't like touch. Are you okay with me—"

"Yes." he interrupts, "Just make it quick please."

"Alright, this might sting." I warn. I gently begin to dab the cloth onto his shell.

"Owwwwwwww." he complains long and dryly, almost sounding like a sarcastic tone.

"I know, I'm sorry..." I say as I cleanse his wound. Poor turtle.

I toss the cloth and grab another one. It collected blood a little too quickly. "Soooo..." I start, "Who were those guys to rough you up like this?"

He sighs, "They're the Purple Dragons, arrogant little snots who are just as obsessed with tech as I am. Only, they use it for evil."

"Oh... why exactly did they do this to you? Like what happened?"

"Um well after I got upset with my brothers, I went out for a walk to cool off. I walked through an alleyway that was apparently owned by them, they actually had documentation, and accused me of knowing the importance of said alleyway despite I had claimed that I didn't and they took advantage of my defenseless state!" he rants.

"All that for walking though an alleyway? They sound like jerks!" I complain. I was starting to think Shelldon and I let them off a little too easy.

"Heh, it's understandable because I have foiled plenty of their plans in the past so that might contribute to the factor of them doing all of this..." he adds.

"I don't think anything could justify this." I gently place my hand on his shell, "I mean, you piss me off a lot but I could never imagine doing something nearly as close like this to you— these Purple Dragons are brutal and need to properly be taken care of..."

Donnie stiffens a little from the placement of my hand, "Uh! I mean, you did send them flying to gosh knows where so I'd say they are getting what they deserve."

No. They didn't get what they deserved. The sight of Donnie's shell makes me sick to my stomach. I don't care how much those little shits hate him, abusing him like this was wrong on so many levels.

"I guess you're right..." I lie, "But damn, it must've been some real important alleyway for them to do this. Hey, which alleyway did you say it was again?"

"I never said which alleyway it was but it's about a block away from the lair, across from the park." he says. I nod my head.


The blood was finally all cleaned up from his shell. I open up the pain relief ointment and squeezed a little on my hand, "This is going to help with the pain and allow it to heal faster..."

"Why of course, it contains the terpene compounds; camphor and menthol which are effective for pain since they activate and later desensitize nociceptors in the surface of flesh or skin by penetrating the stratum corneum and interacting with peripheral sensory neurons..." he rambles.

I chuckle as I wait for him to finish info dumping, "Yes Donnie that's right, I'm surprised that you specifically remember that. Many don't."

"Wow— you actually listened to me in speech mode?! No one ever does that!" he says shocked.

"Well I appreciate fellow geniuses..."

"Geniuses? So you're actually calling me—"

"Yeah. You're really smart Donnie." I carefully rub the pain relief cream onto his shell, being sure to coat all of his wounds. He flinches a little.

"Aha— wow um heh... t-thanks?" he stammers out. Donnie blushed from your comment and gesture. He was thankful that you couldn't see his face. The combination of validation and you softly rubbing his shell was enough to make his stomach swarm with butterflies. This is exactly what he was afraid of.

Not Your Edgy Bitch (ROTTMNT Donnie X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt