14 - An unexpected visit

Start from the beginning

"Arm... I need you to help me find something. It's urgent."

"Sure...what is it?"

He shows me a picture of an object...a chess piece made of crystal.

"A white king from a chessboard...made of crystal?"

"Yes...I need to know what this chess piece means...in the mafia world. But I think it won't be easy."

"I'll do everything possible, Khun Noo."

Khun Noo sits on the couch, thoughtful and worried.

"Don't tell anyone...not your brat hiding somewhere...not Kinn...not anyone, do you understand me, Arm?"

"Sure, Khun Noo"

"Promise me, Arm. It's important. Promise me for Pete's safety."

"Pete? Why? Is he in danger?"

I start to feel a nervousness inside me.

"Just promise me, Arm. Pete can only count on us. Pol, you promise too!"

Pol and I looked at each other, confused, but ready to do anything for Pete.

"We promise, Khun Noo."

"What bothers me the most is that...in my childhood memories...I know I've seen a piece of chess like this here at the mansion...somewhere...maybe in my Dad's office, I don't know...you and Pol must find it too"

"Don't worry, Khun Noo, we'll find it." Pol says resolutely.

"But it was not white...I think it was... a red king."

Yu Ming's POV

Shortly after I left Lian in a hotel in Taipei and headed to the airport to board my private jet to get back to China, I decided to change the flight coordinates.

I made a call to an old close friend.

"Hey, Kim! How is your agenda? Do you have time to catch up with an old friend?"

"Jade?!Is that you? Oh my God! Sure! I will always have time for you! Are you coming to Bangkok?"

Yu Ming in Chinese means brightness of the Jade. Jade is the name I chose for my friends from other countries to call me. 

"Yes...a Thai producer friend asked me to record some songs. I would love to partner with you if you are available."

"Wow, that would be an honor."

"When do you arrive? I will pick you up. Where will you stay?"

"It all went so fast...at The Diamond Hotel, I believe."

"Why don't you stay at my house? We can compose songs together here."

"Hmm...that sounds great! Like old times."

"Yeah...like the old good times..."

"But I hear you're dating... won't it be a problem for you? I don't want to disturb you."

"Don't worry."

"Thanks, Kim. See you in a few hours then."

"Okay! I'll be waiting for you. Bye"!

"...Hey, Kim!"


"I've missed you...a lot."



"...Me too, Jade...I've missed you a lot too."


Author's note:

I'm sorry for the rant. I always try to be as much polite as I can, but...right now...I'm very frustrated and angry with Daemi House and the website where I bought the VegasPete novel.

I really wanted to keep a faithful connection to the original novel. That's why I bought the book through an apparently reliable Thai website. It said the book would be delivered in 20 business days. Now I was told that because it's a pre-order (not mentioned before), shipping will only take place in November and I should receive it in my country around December (I just hope I receive it although I'm so mad I don't feel like reading it...).

I paid 4 times the original price of the book to import from Thailand to my country. It is the available version, in Thai. I don't even know the Thai language. I would find a way to translate it. But, given how long it's going to take, I've given up on making that connection. I asked some wattpad users if they could provide some translation for me, but also no response. I'm a person who buys the works of their authors properly. But Daemi House (official Twitter account) doesn't answer my questions. And they don't even have that many messages from costumers to reply! I think that company lacks respect for the customer. They took so long to translate their works that I even gave up on buying KP in English. Anyway, sorry for the rant again. I didn't want to, but I'll have to unlink my fanfic from the original novel. I feel very sad about it. I just wanted to buy and read the damn book and continue the fanfic in the best way for me and for you all.

Maybe I'm giving too much importance to a mere fanfic. But I think everyone likes to do their thing the best they can, and I'm no different. I'm so frustrated.

Thank you for staying along this fanfic.

VegasPete : Chess Room (The Way You Taste sequel)Where stories live. Discover now