"I think that's a wonderful idea." 

"Me too!"  my sister clapped her hands together,  "We could make that turkey in the freezer?  After all Kenneth's favorite holiday is Thanksgiving." 

"Oh yes, that's a great idea!"  me and my mom said in union.


Saturday night going into Sunday.

I felt as if I hadn't gotten enough sleep since I had been back at home. Which was very true. 

I was so busy with tasks and keeping an eye on my best friend when I was around and the Sunday dinner I planned that it was all starting to get to me. 

I have been getting more and more headaches and my insomnia was kicking my ass. 

Though I was grateful Everyone in the house helped out with the food preparation for tomorrow night, it was tiring, but I knew it would pay off in the end.

I put the stuffed turkey in the fridge and placed the mashed potatoes beside it. 

"Hmmm, I can't wait! Thanksgiving in summer? This is the best thing ever!"  my nephew jumped to look at all the food on the countertop.

"Okay,  Jay you need to go back into the living room,  me and your Auntie have to finish this before Kendall pops up."   My sister shooed her son off to the other room.

Before he leaves I sneak him a sugar cookie which he happily takes and runs with.

"You spoil that boy."  My sister groaned.

I shrugged my shoulders and went back to packing the fridge.   After I had everything tucked away I sat next to my sister who had a martini in hand. 

"Ouu can I have a tiny sip?"   She rolled her eyes and gave me the glass filled with adult juice.

I took a sip and handed the glass back to her before our mother stopped in the kitchen and yelled at us both.   I know I'm old enough to drink but my mother hates it and I'm the goodie-goodie so I don't wanna disappoint her.

"Go get some sleep,  sis."   I nodded towards my sister and gave her a big hug before making my way to the upstairs.   I desperately needed rest, especially for tomorrow.

My mother of course thinks I've gotten plenty to be able to keep up with her tight nit agenda, which barely gave me time to eat or shower.

I had set my alarm for five o'clock so I could be able to do the things I had to do but even then I would be rushed out of the house afterward.

I love my mother I do but when she was in this mindset of getting things accomplished it always drove me insane, She'd been this way since my father left shortly over a year ago.

I think it was to keep her mind off the things happening around her. 

I left for college just before then and my poor sister was left to care for our fragile mother, I felt terrible for leaving but I knew if I didn't go I would regret it more than anything.

So I left.

I quickly brushed my teeth in the shared bathroom and made my way to bed.

The next morning my mother had me up at the crack of dawn and in her office before seven am.

I've been dazed since I got here not to mention the hours seemed to be going by slowly

I shook my head taking me back to the task I had in front of me. The stacks of thick books and piles of paper weren't going to sort themselves.

I placed everything in an orderly fashion and set the important things on my mother's desk but the books unfortunately had to be taken back to the library, Luckily the library was just down the street across from the school.

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