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Devika Pillai (Devi)

My feet stop in the track

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My feet stop in the track. I can't do this. I absolutely can not let them clean the whole Wada alone. I retrace my steps to find that Akka has done the same. She and Rutu are standing in the Angan requesting them to please let them help.

"You both can't be serious! You're the ones getting married and you want to help us clean!"

"It'd make things faster and easier, Amma. Besides we've already been to Lonavla and Rutu has shown me every corner, I'd rather stay and help."

"Yes Amma. And we both know that you're fit to do so with Aai but it'd be our honour if you both let us help."

Aww isn't Rutu just perfect.

"God what is it with you men wanting to help today.... First Ajith and now you. Okay then you both can handle-" she stops as she notices me. I wave at her. Her mouth is still open. I'm sure that she can't be that shocked to just see me. When I turn, I see several sheepish faces. Almost everyone (except a few uncle's and aunties) has returned.

"Unbelievable. How did I land in this house of angels?" My mother mutters. And they call me dramatic. Please. I am hundred percent sure that young Sudha passed it on to me.

"Okay then let's do one thing. I'm dividing you all in pairs. All those who want to take charge of the first floor raise your hands."

Of course. I take a moment to admire my control freak mother and her obedient students. No wonder she's a teacher.

Suddenly it occurs to me that Sam hasn't returned. I feel a bubble burst. No but what can he do? He's a foreigner, any one would want to explore a country as opposed to cleaning an ancient ancestral home, right?

Ironically my eyes fall on Faf chatting with Akka as they ascend the stairs to clean the first floor. Ah the pleasures love makes you forego.

"Second floor volunteers." I quickly raise my hand. Our group is a lively one with Jad, Riva Di, Sai, Anmol and that night owl.

Suddenly I realise that I will get paired with him if the couples are going to decide to stick together. I try catching Jad's attention but it's impossible to have him direct even an ounce of attention on you when he's talking to his wife. I happily eye roll.

We all choose our rooms. We do not have any broom in our room and so I go to see if Anmol and Sai have an extra one. While returning I stop to look at the events around me. Rutu and Akka have begun with the first floor passage. They're giggling and bursting soap bubbles together. When Akka slips a little Rutu gets worried and in his rush to reach her he slips a little too. And of course my ever observant Akka notices this. And gives his hand a squeeze when he reaches her. In our passage, I catch Sai tucking a strand of Anmol's hair as she dusts the door. She gives him a grateful smile. Meanwhile, even the oldiesss are having fun cleaning the veranda. Appa seems to be swinging the broom back and forth while singing some old Tamil song. And for some reason Amma is blushing and asking him to concentrate.

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