Night club 🍸🎶 (Reigen Arataka x fem!reader)

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You came home from work absolutely ready to sink into your silk sheets until your phone rang.

You groaned and checked your phone to see who was bothering you.

It was him. The honey haired idiot, otherwise known as Reigen Arataka. You felt even more annoyed than before.

Although you found the male attractive he was a pain in the ass sometimes. Especially when hes drunk.

Honey hair 😒



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8:42 Are you drunk?

NnO 8:44

You decided to end the ridiculous chat there and you reassured him you were going to the club.

You chose a red dress that squeezed you just right and red high heels. For your makeup, nothing too complicated, red lipstick, mascara, all that good stuff.

Once you grabbed your red leather purse you headed out the door. You were disappointed about your good night sleep being ruined but right now saving a hopeless conman was your first priority.

You arrived to the night club somehow knowing which one he was talking about. You walked in past the gaurds who didn't bother messing with you.

You got straight to the point pushing through the crowd clutching your purse trying to find reigen.

You didn't even bother apologizing to the people you bumped you just wanted to get this over with and go home.

You pushed ane pushed until finally found the 28 year-old kid dancing on the Dance Dance Revolution pad. You were honestly stunned, flabbergasted, dumbfounded, tooken aback, astounded, any other synonyms for surprised you can think of.

He was surprisingly good at it, you saw people crowding him, girls falling all over him, you were a teensy bit jealous, but tried to shrug it off, until one of the girls tried to kiss him, oh now you let your jealousy get the best of you, this wasn't gonna be pretty.

'That little bitch'

You stomped your feet getting closer and closer, pushing people out of the way until you got to the area.

The girl looked you up and down and then whispered something to the other girl. You were furious. Then you hear someone in the corner of your ear talk.

"Ohhh (name) !!" Reigen blurted out loosing his combo.

He stepped off the DDR pad. Your face relaxed a bit until you turned your face to the girls. "Emmm..... Baby whooo is this!" One of the girls called out. You tensed up.

'Is that Reigens lover? '

You could almost feel yourself getting weaker and weaker by the second until Reigen finally spoke. "Who even are you," He chuckled. "Didn't you know i have a fine lil lady, she's standing right next to me!" He said in such a enthusiastic tone, the girls groaned and walked out of the crowd that had already left.

"Was that your tatic of getting out of that situatio-" You felt something warm grasp your hand. You look down to see Reigen holding your hand like a lost child in a grocery store.

You feel your face heat up, heart rate going up. You tensed up, hoping he wouldn't let go.

Your hands were cold, his were warm. You felt a smile appear on your face.

Reigen was a lil sober now, it probably washed off when he was dancing to Bumblebee on the DDR.

"Wanna grab a few drinks then head out to my place?" Reigen said, still having a frim grip on your hand. You had a hard time forming words.

Eventually you got it. "U-uh yeah- sure." You say softly trying to be as loud as possible so he can hear. "Watcha want?" He asked immediately as he sat down on the stool.

"Mm, a Italian margarita." You say firmly, loosing the tense.

You were sad he let go of your hand, missing the warmth of his firm, attractive hands. "I'll have a White Claw, and a Italian margarita for the pretty lady."

His cheeks were a soft tone of pink. Your cheeks turned a light shade of red, slightly darker than his. You felt a warm feeling on your hand, it was his hand. Your heart fluttered, you loved when he did that, you absolutely loved it.

Then the bartender came breaking the contact. You were disappointed but the margarita looked good, so you decided to not complain.


Your face was flushed, you think the margarita got to you.

"We should leave now." Reigen smiles. "Okayyy" You say trying not to pass out on the spot.

You felt that warm sensation on your hand again, you didn't bother looking down, you only plastered a stupid smile on your face, blushing sweetly.

Reigen loved you since the day you met. Bumping into each other on your ways to work. It was a classic way of meeting someone but it was cute.

"We have to....take my car" You say. "Ah, yes. I'll be driving though. " He snickers smiling." Yeah yeah.. " You scoff, smiling to the side.

You tossed the keys over to him and you went your way to the passenger seat.

As he started the car he had one hand on the wheel and the other on your hand. You couldn't help but blush a dark shade of red.

You were sober and drunk, most insane combo ever!

You wanted to kiss him so bad, but had to resist.

Arrived to your destination. Reigen gave you your keys, you nearly fell trying to get out of the car. Once you locked your car and walked to the front door, you felt something grip your waist.

You felt warm breathing on your shoulder,

it was reigen.

"I'm sorry...I just-" You stopped him with your kiss. His lips were warm, smooth, soft. He smiled. And cupped your face.

"Wanna go inside and watch some movies?" "Why not." Your face flushed, oh and look at that, it's his hand intertwined with yours again.

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