The Pursuit of The Heiress That Will Change Norfolk Territory Part Two

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"You have to know I won't let you down." Karissa explains, "Our daughter along with her sisters will bring only good change to Star-Base 12."

Lord Andrew Charles' carriage pulls up in front of Madame's Boarding House to pick up Karissa and Lord Andrew Charles takes her overnight case and he places it into the Howard carriage and he gives Karissa his hand and she accepts it and she turns around and gives Lord Richard William a smile.

The Howard carriage heads for Balmoral Manor and the people of Norfolk Territory start to line the streets to see Lord Andrew Charles and Karissa in the carriage and one person calls out " Where is our heir or heiress Lord Andrew Charles."

Lord Andrew Charles stands up and he helps Karissa to stand on her feet. He tells his father's people " I promise you that you will get your next heiress."

"Lord Andrew Charles. You only get one chance." Karissa tells him" I won't abandon my child but no marriage unless the child is my daughter."

"Just how many children do you want from our marriage?" Karissa asks.

"I would like five children." Lord Andrew Charles tells Karissa.

"Five children, one every four and half years?" Karissa asks.

"I am fine with that, Karissa." Lord Andrew Charles tells her,

"I plan to take a lover and I have set my heart on Lord Richard William Carey, and I have promised him two children in between your children with me." Karissa tells him

"Lord Richard William Carey has agreed to this?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"He has Lord Andrew Charles. He is the most handsome man I have ever seen." Karissa tells him.

"What about me, Karissa?" Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"I never said you weren't handsome, Lord Andrew Charles, because you already know that you are." Karissa explains.

Lord Andrew Charles and Karissa arrive at Balmoral Manor and it is indeed a charming manor in Norfolk Territory.

It brought good luck to Lord Charles Andrew JR with the birth of two sons and a daughter, and Lord Andrew Charles hopes he can be just as lucky as his father.

Lord Andrew Charles escorts Karissa into the manor and she looks around and tells him " It has possibilities and needs to be redecorated."

"It belonged to my dear mother and it was a wedding present to her from my father and my two older brothers and sister were conceived and born here, but Lady Charlotte Augusta and I were conceived at Norfolk Estate and born there." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"My father became Duke in 2240 and they moved to Norfolk Estate." Lord Andrew Charles explains.

"You won't be governing Norfolk from that manor, as after our daughter is born we will be moving into our new manor.' Karissa explains.

"I don't want my children around your damn ancestry ghosts and no amount of holy water could purge what they have done." Karissa explains.

"You can govern Norfolk from Bedford Territory." Karissa tells him.

"Another thing, I want you to abolish the practice of these pre-arranged marriages." Karissa asks.

"Marriage should be for love and not for business or any other reason." Karissa explains " Our marriage will be the last of its kind."

One last thing Do anyway with this stupid male preferred primogeniture and institute absolute primogeniture." Karissa asks.

Lord Andrew Charles looks at Karissa and he tells her " My hands are tied until we become Duke and Duchess of Norfolk Territory but once we are I will do everything you have asked me to do. "

"What about the name of your son if it is one?" Karissa asks

"I thought I would leave it up to you." Lord Andrew Charles asks.

"Surely you have some idea what you want to name your son? " Karissa asks.

"Name him whatever you wish." Lord Andrew Charles tells Karissa.

"Fine, Lord Anthony Christopher Howard." Karissa tells Lord Andrew Charles.

"Don't tell me you are now having doubts now, Lord Andrew Charles. " Karissa asks.

"No, I am not having doubts. "Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

"What are you afraid of Lord Andrew Charles that you are lousy in bed?" Karissa asks.

"Lord Andrew Charles. This has nothing to do with love. Don't deceive yourself. " Karissa explains, " Your father will get his first grandchild and your father will get his heir and what your great-great-grandfather started will be secure."

Lord Andrew Charles looks at Karissa "But I do love you, Karissa and I have from the very first day I saw you." Lord Andrew Charles tells her.

Karissa looks at Lord Andrew Charles " Just be content that your great-great-grandfather's Dukedom will be secure." Karissa tells him.

"You will become Duke of Norfolk Territory and our daughter after you." Karissa tells him.

Lord Andrew Charles never denies that he doesn't love Karissa, but Karissa explains "Love has nothing to do with an aristocratic marriage."

"Aristocratic marriages are based on other reasons and one is to provide the man with an heir but with us that will change but with an heiress." Karissa explains.

Lord Andrew Charles does take the challenge and he meets it with the birth of Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard who is born on May 1, 2275.

With the birth of Lady Elizabeth Victoria Ann Beltane Howard who become her grandfather's golden hair heiress, she helps to create her father the fifth Duke of Norfolk Territory and she creates her beloved mother, Karissa, to Lady Karissa Elizabeth Ann, Marchioness of Pembroke Territory and Duchess of Norfolk Territory.

Lord Benjamin Lawrence Carey, Duke of Langley TerritoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant